OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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Groups - ebXML Messaging TC weekly call added

  • 1.  Groups - ebXML Messaging TC weekly call added

    Posted 04-04-2008 12:55
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    ical_18169.ics   661 B 1 version

  • 2.  RE: [ebxml-msg] Groups - ebXML Messaging TC weekly call added

    Posted 04-09-2008 20:35
    Ian and others,
    I regret I can't attend tonight's call. I have an early start and long day
    of travel tomorrow, so five hours of sleep would be a bit short.
    I did post an initial comparison of the three proposals for reliability
    we've been discussing. Management summary: they all have their strenghts and
    weaknesses. This is not coordinated with the other authors, so it may be
    inaccurate and is definitely incomplete.  Apologies to the other authors if
    I misrepresent their proposals, but hopefully this document is a start.