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Subject: Groups - New Action Item #0029 Fix bug -- loosen the content mo...
OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC member,
Seraphim Larsen has created a new action item.
Number: #0029
Description: Fix bug -- loosen the content mo...
Owner: Mr. Robert Anderson
Due: 08 Nov 2005
Seraphim Larsen 2005-10-25 16:25 GMT
- Syntax Diagram content model bug (decision needed on how to fix)
- Don summarized the issue
- Paul Prescod - Fixing the bug would imply changing the content model -- this is a design decision that should not be made lightly.
- Bruce Esrig -- Better to fix sooner than later.
- PROPOSAL: Paul Prescod moves to loosen the content model for the fig element (by adding xref and fn) to allow specializations in general, and the syntax diagram specialization in particular.
- Robert Anderson motions to accept the proposal
- Michael Priestley seconds
- Approved by acclamation
- ACTION ITEM for Robert Anderson to address this issue.
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2005-10-25 TC-Meeting-Minutes-2005-10-25.txtMinutes
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