Mary McRae,
Email about your ballot ("Submit CAP v1.2 for OASIS Standard Vote") has been sent.
*** Here is the list of voters who were notified: ***
Aviv Siegel
Doug Allport
Tim Grapes
Werner Joerg
Rex Brooks*
Jacob Westfall
Thomas Ferrentino
Mr. Donald McGarry
Mr. Rian Chipman
Mr. Agha Ahmed
David Ellis
Gary Timm
Rob Torchon
Jeff Waters
Richard Vandame
Mr. William Kalin
Camille Osterloh
Timothy Gilmore
Mrs. Elysa Jones
Mr. Patrick Gannon
*** Here is the email that was sent: ***
OASIS Emergency Management TC member,
A ballot presented to OASIS Emergency Management TC has closed.
The text of this closed ballot is as follows:
"Submit CAP v1.2 for OASIS Standard Vote"
If the ballot to approve CAP v1.2 as a Committee Specification is successful (, does the Emergency Management Technical Committee then request to have the specification submitted to OASIS membership for OASIS Standard vote?
This ballot requires Special Majority Vote to approve.
- Yes
- No
- Abstain
Quick Summary of Voting Results:
- Yes received 13 Votes
- No received 2 Votes
- Abstain received 2 Votes
17 of 20 eligible voters cast their vote before the deadline.
Voting results for all closed ballots are available on the emergency eVote Archive at: you,
OASIS Open Administration