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Subject: [xacml] CR 144: function "present" needs to be fixed.
The function "present" as we discussed yesterday in spec 18d is vague in
whether it returns "false" or raises an "indeterminate" if the attribute
is not present.
This needs to be cleared up, and we might address some of Simon's concerns
of which he alluded to yesterday on "indeterminate" for an attribute that
is not present. I don't like that, but I'm not against it. So, how about
two functions?
Since we now requiring DataType to be present in both the attribute of the
context and in the attribute designator of the policy, such that the look
up for the attribute is comprised of both the id and data type, we need to
address this lookup requirement in the function "present". It needs to be
fixed anyway.
I suggest that we have two functions, summary:
returns true if the attribute is there, and false if not.
returns true if the attribute is there, and raises
indeterminate if not. (The PDP can easily carry a "missing-attribute"
status from this, if it wanted).
So, I suggest replacing the last bullet and paragraph in Section A14.5
Logical Functions, (i.e. "present") with the following:
o is-present
This function SHALL take two arguments. The first argument SHALL be an
attribute value of type "xs:anyURI" as used in the "AttributeId" XML
attribute of an <AttributeDesignator> element. The second argument SHALL
be an attribute value of type "xs:string" containing the identity of the
data type as used in the "DataType" XML attribute of the
<AttributeDesignator> element. This expression SHALL result in "true" if
the named attribute can be located in the request context, which means
that an <AttributeDesignator> or <AttributeSelector> element for this
named attribute will return a bag consisting of at least one element. If
no value can be found for the attribute in the request context, then this
expression SHALL result in "false", which means that an
<AttributeDesignator> or <AttributeSelector> element for this named
attribute will return an empty bag. If it cannot be determined whether the
attribute is present or not present in the request context, or its value
is unavailable, the expression SHALL result in "indeterminate".
o must-be-present
This function SHALL take two arguments. The first argument SHALL be an
attribute value of type "xs:anyURI" as used in the "AttributeId" XML
attribute of an <AttributeDesignator> element. The second argument SHALL
be an attribute value of type "xs:string" containing the identity of the
data type as used in the "DataType" XML attribute of the
<AttributeDesignator> element. This expression SHALL result in "true" if
the named attribute can be located in the request context, which means
that an <AttributeDesignator> or <AttributeSelector> element for this
named attribute will return a bag consisting of at least one element. If
no value can be found for the attribute in the request context, which
means that an <AttributeDesignator> or <AttributeSelector> element for
this named attribute will return an empty bag, this expression SHALL
result in "indeterminate". If it cannot be determined whether the
attribute is present or not present in the request context, or its value
is unavailable, the expression SHALL result in "indeterminate".
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