> Am 15.11.2016 um 17:06 schrieb Yves Savourel <
ysavourel@enlaso.com>: > > Summary of the XLIFF TC Call Nov-15-2016 > ======================================== > > - Present: David, Bryan, Yves, Soroush, Tom, Lucia > - Regrets: Phil, (Felix probably in Dublin too) Indeed :) > > > B. Approve meeting minutes, 1 November 2016 >
https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201611/msg00016.html > > BS: move to accept those as the minutes for last call > YS: second > No dissent. > > BS: One of the XLF2.1 issues difficult to resolve is #9 (ITS vs ITSM namespace) > BS has issue with audio. > > > --- Issue #9:
https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/XLIFF-9 > > YS: it seems that if we don't use ITS namespace we can't have them as ITS data categories > .. We can't access them with ITS processors > > DF: there are other obstacles with ITS processors, like sm/em too. > > YS: I think sm is pretty much the only obstacle if you have ITS pointers > > DF: Felix mentioned the fact we could use the ITS schemas Yes, and there are schemas used in DocBook and these are normative part of DocBook 5.1, AFAIK. > .. for example docbook 5.1, not sure about DITA I am not aware of ITS schemas for DITA. Best, Felix > SS: That is correct (DocBook+ITS) > DF: so if we can change the catalog and point to our schema > .. then we could do the ITS validation > > TC: I'm not aware of any different schema for ITS in DITA > > DF: we should confirm with Felix > .. We should move to something else. > > > DF: Issue 8 is depending on issue 9. > > SS: DocBook doesn't use the ITS native namespace. > DF: also for data categories without pointers? > SS: Not sure, will have to check > > > --- Issue-4: CTR:
https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/XLIFF-4 > > DF: think we should track only separate items > .. not able to track several things in one item > .. maybe we can have content and some other coordinated attributes > .. Will work on a possible solution: change data model and PRs. > .. and Soroush will update the Schematron > > > --- Issue-5:
https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/XLIFF-5 > > Depending on #9 too. > > DF: we should be able to change the list of what is making up the XLIFF-defined elements/attributes > YS: It seems that would be a core change: some core PR depend on the definition of what is a XLIFF-defined construct > .. so if we change that definition, we change the core, no? > DF: I think we should be able to change the definitions, it's not part of the core. > > > --- Issue-10:
https://issues.oasis-open.org/browse/XLIFF-10 > > Good catch. > Error in the schema it seems. > Soroush to change the schema. > No dissent. > > > BS: will have a hard stop at 9AM PT > > -end > > > > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that > generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: >
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