OASIS Emergency Management TC

  • 1.  Agenda: 12/2 Call

    Posted 12-02-2003 02:39
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    Subject: Agenda: 12/2 Call

    I will be traveling to Canada Tuesday morning, and *should* be landing
    around 10:40am. With any luck (read no delays), I will safely be in an
    office to make the call by noon. If I am not, for any reason, then I
    will ring Rick to give him a heads up on my delay. We will move forward
    one way or another :)
    That aside, here are the action items for this weeks call.
    1. Issue 7/9: Art proposed some language for us to review
    (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/emergency-if/200312/msg00000.html). From a process standpoint, the group should first decide if the language is agreeable. Second, we need to decide if it is 1.0 (amend) or 1.1 (defer) that it is included. Of course, in the interest of time, we can first decide if it is 1.0 or 1.1 - so please think about it.
    2. Issue 29: I sent out a proposed example
    Similar situation to Issues 7/9 - now or later is really what needs to
    be considered before we spend significant time debating.
    3. Issue 30: I sent out some proposed language here
    Those are the only items from last week's call. Once those are complete,
    we can slide back into the other outstanding issues.
    R. Allen Wyke
    Chair, OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee

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