OASIS Emergency Management TC

Re: [emergency] Emergency TC Wiki

  • 1.  Re: [emergency] Emergency TC Wiki

    Posted 07-11-2005 01:50
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [emergency] Emergency TC Wiki

    Mary -
    Thanks for the generous offer, but the wiki I've established is  
    really beyond the scope of the OASIS process... a derivative work  
    based on the standard, if you like.  In particular, what I'm trying  
    to do is engage with the broader user community in a separate  
    environment that doesn't entail subjecting themselves to the OASIS  
    IPR.  I'm sure OASIS has no intention of trying (or even appearing to  
    try) to squelch independent discussion of its standards and their use.
    This touches on a very sensitive point that came up several years  
    ago, long before you joined us.  If OASIS actually were to start  
    interfering with free use and independent discussion of its  
    standards, the emergency management community would need to take a  
    careful look at whether OASIS was really an appropriate venue for its  
    standards platform.
    I've already said, here in the TC record, that the TC's work as part  
    of the standards process should, indeed, be done within the OASIS IPR  
    and on an OASIS-sponsored wiki... and I'm sure we all appreciate your  
    moving so quickly to make one available.  Still, CAP users, even if  
    they aren't OASIS members, have a wide range of interests and  
    concerns that only begin with the standard.  They're entitled to  
    discuss those issues in an open and unfettered forum.
    It's unfortunate that apparently you weren't able to contact me  
    directly before posting what I'm afraid could be misunderstood as a  
    bold attempt to take over a member's website.  But I'm sure your  
    motives were the highest and that your approach was well-intentioned  
    if maybe a bit blunt.
    Thanks again for your sincere efforts on our behalf!
    - Art
    On Jul 10, 2005, at 8:09 PM, Mary McRae wrote:
    > Hello everyone,
    > OASIS staff is pleased to announce that we have our wiki server up  
    > and running. Our TC Process Policy requires any and all work to be  
    > conducted on OASIS-hosted servers when available in order to ensure  
    > their openness and longevity. We'll be more than happy to work with  
    > Art in transitioning any existing content to OASIS. The URL will be  
    > wiki.oasis-open.org/emergency - TC members will be able to read/ 
    > write, the world will have read-only access. We're using MoinMoin;  
    > other than the boilerplate information that must be maintained at  
    > the top of the root-level page the TC is free to structure the wiki  
    > in whatever manner best meets their needs.
    > To access the wiki, go to http://wiki.oasis-open.org/emergency.  
    > It's up and running, although we need to run a couple of tests on  
    > Monday morning to ensure logins are functioning properly. The wiki  
    > is world-readable; if you make edits to a page you will be asked  
    > for your OASIS username/password when you click the "submit" button.
    > If anyone has questions or would like pointers to additional  
    > information, feel free to contact me!
    > Regards,
    > Mary
    > ---------------------------------------------------
    > Mary P McRae
    > OASIS
    > Manager of TC Administration
    > email: mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org
    > web: www.oasis-open.org
    > phone: 603.232.9090
    > cell: 603.557.7985

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