OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

Accessibility SC Meeting Minutes from May 4, 2006

  • 1.  Accessibility SC Meeting Minutes from May 4, 2006

    Posted 05-04-2006 21:59
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    Subject: Accessibility SC Meeting Minutes from May 4, 2006

    OASIS ODF Accessibility SC Minutes from Thursday May 4, 2006 Meeting
    by Nathaniel Borenstein and Peter Korn

    [Please send any corrections or additions to Nathaniel.]

    Attending:  Nathaniel Borenstein (chair), Chieko Asakawa, Pete Brunet, David Clark, Peter Korn, Steve Nobel, Janina Sajka, Rich Schwerdtfeger, Hironobu Takagi, Malte Timmermann

    Apologies:  Dave Pawson

    I.  The minutes of the April 27 meeting were approved as corrected and submitted.

    II.  Tables in presentations:  Peter summarized his e-mail about Tables.  Discussion centered on implementation issues; no action items

    III.  Rich's ALT text proposal.  Discussed reference to transcoding for import/export for Microsoft, decided to draw this to the attention of the TC and let them decide whether to leave it in.  We still need an implementer's guide.  We appear on track for inclusion in ODF 1.1, proposed draft available in July for OASIS resolution by November.  Action item:  Nathaniel to add schema description, send to parent TC.

    IV.  Announcement:  ODF 1.0 is now an ISO standard (a11y warts and all).  So now folks like the EU can specify an ISO standard for office documents. Vote was unanimous [save abstentions], and more countries voted than expected.  No action items.

    V.  Janina conveyed two bits of news from ITD: they published an RFI looking for submissions from companies, whatever about creating a plug-in module for MS-Office to read/save ODF.  They've also come up with Accessibility Czar - Joe Lazzaro is moving over to ITD from the Mass Commission to run that.  No action items.

    VI.  Discussion of Chieko's proposal for tabindexing to improve keyboard navigation tabled until upcoming face-to-face meeting.  Action item:  Chieko to prepare tabindexing proposal prior to F2F meeting.

    VI.  Role attribute review:  Rich will take this to the FSG.  No action items.

    VII.  Agenda for upcoming (May 20-21) face-to-face meeting:

            -- Table proposal review
            -- Tabindexing for keyboard navigation
            -- Daisy requirements discussion
            -- 1.1 Scope cutoff decision
            -- Future extensions for presentations
            -- Other topics for ODF 1.2
            Action item:  Rich to compile 5/20-21 F2F agenda.

    VIII.  Deferred for some future meeting(s):
            -- Soft/hard page break issue from (Dave P)
            -- Nested list markup issue from Dave P
           -- Mediaobject proposal from Dave P

    The next meeting will take place on May 11 unless we decide to cancel it for lack of a quorum

    Summary of action items:

    -- Nathaniel to add schema description to alt text proposal, send to parent TC.  (done)

    -- Chieko to prepare tabindexing proposal prior to F2F meeting.

    -- Rich to compile 5/20-21 F2F agenda.

    [Please send any corrections or additions to Nathaniel.]

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