Thanks for clarification. To summarize: multiple messages are sent on a
single sequence if (1)-(3) apply:
(1) if the messages are correlated based on Xpath expressions in
Pmode.Reliability.Correlation, the must have the same Delivery Assurance
Pmode. (The Xpaths should be written to make sure this is always the case
for any pair of messages that are correlated using these expressions).
In addition to this, when using an in-order contract:
(2) the Xpath expressions specified in the Pmode.Reliability.Correlation
MUST include eb:UserMessage/@mpc.
When using Delivery Assurances other than in-order:
(3) constraint (2) applies, except that it is a SHOULD instead of a MUST.
Original Message-----
From: Durand, Jacques R. [mailto:JDurand@us.fujitsu.com]
Sent: 03 September 2008 08:23
To: Pim van der Eijk; ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: RE: [ebxml-msg] Sequences and sequence sharing
Original Message-----
From: Pim van der Eijk [mailto:pvde@sonnenglanz.net]
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 1:08 PM
To: ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [ebxml-msg] Sequences and sequence sharing
To follow up on the discussion on (re-)using sequences from two weeks
which ebMS messages are sent on the same WSRM sequence? This is more
about ebMS 3.0 in general than about multihop.
Jacques mentioned a default assumption that each Pmode is associated
with a distinct sequence.
1) In the document on routing examples
t_id=28981) I discuss a number of routing scenarios. The simplest case
assumes routing is based on To:PartyId only. It basically asserts for
an I-Cloud that any ebMS message, including messages to be sent
reliably, is
handled by the same final MSH. This means that an ebMS MSH can
its sequence creation, as some Pmodes can use the same sequence. It was
suggested to leave this out of the multihop specification and leave this
to implementers as it is an optimization rather than a potential
conformance or
interoperability issue.
2) Section 2.5 mentions a situation where a message is routed
differently based on a message property value. This means that there
have to be different sequences based only on property values. Can there
be two Pmodes that are the same except for a particular message property