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Subject: Re: [ubl] Groups - uploaded
i am not sure we want to have the values for codes anywhere but the schemas.
it creates a potential for mis-alignment as they may not represent what
is in the normative schemas. if implementators want text files with the
name/value pairs then they can look in the schemas.
Stephen Green wrote:
Just to note that the last draft of spreadsheets was draft 12 rather than
draft 11
The matter of codelists:
Anne sent the latest update of values (held in text files) to Michael
around 17th March. I expect we need a copy of these for the package
from Anne.
Four codelists (Country, Currency, OrderAcknowledgement
and Payment Means) simply have values coming from Edifact and these
are generated from the Edifix tool with the latest values, as far as I know.
The other codelist data (metadata) is held in the spreadsheet called
the Specialised DataTypes model spreadsheet. This will need updating
with 1.0 final values for some metadata (URLs) as part of the creation of
actual final set of models and Schemas.
All the best