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Subject: Fwd: Public Warning, CAP and the Disabled Community
Friends -
I'm passing this along from PPW for your information and in case any
TC members might care to lend their support. (Please note the tight
deadline on the latter.)
The National Center for Accessible Media at WGBH is putting together
a grant application for a trial of CAP and CAP-based applications in
improving safety warnings to disabled individuals. Their immediate
challenge... by next Tuesday... is to flesh out their matching-funds
requirement with in-kind donations of professional time from
reviewers and participants.
So they're looking for offers... NOT, they stress, any contractual or
binding commitments... of time from interested professionals over the
next three years.
As you know, improving service to special populations, particularly
those with disabilities, has been a core objective of CAP. This
project is an opportunity to turn that potential into reality, and in
the process to obtain real-world feedback on the standard itself.
I hope some of you will be able to offer a bit of your time to help
make it happen. The process and contact details are in the message
below and in the attachments.
- Art
>From: "kenneth B. Allen" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: An Invitation -- Public Warning, CAP and the Disabled Community
>Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 14:21:13 -0400
>April 21, 2004
>PPW has been approached by the WGBH National Center for Accessible
>Media (NCAM) about partnering on a project to improve public warning
>for the disabled community. Part of the project will involve
>looking at the recently adopted Common Alerting Protocol standard.
>NCAM is seeking public and private organizations that are interested
>in participating.
>Attached to this email are (1) a memo to PPW members; (2) an
>overview of the project; (3) a draft letter to NCAM and (4) a
>resource worksheet.
>Please take a look at this package and consider participating.
>NCAM is applying for a grant to fund this project and the grant
>application is due next Tuesday. Accordingly, there is a very tight
>If you have any questions, contact Trisha O'Connell at NCAM
>(671)-300-2490 or
>Kenneth B. Allen
>Executive Director
>Partnership for Public Warning
>(703) 883 -7620
>The Partnership for Public Warning provides a forum where government
>and industry are working together to create a national public
>warning capability that gets the right information to the right
>people at the right time. For information on the Partnership, visit
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