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Subject: Re: [office] Open Office XML Format TC Meeting Agenda 15 Mar 2004
Dear TC members,
for todays discussions regarding the 2nd TC phase, I've collected what
we have discussed so far:
- In the meeting of January, the 12th, we discussed a seperation of the
TC into a "maintance" and a "new feature" track. See also
- The minor topics we have collected for the 2nd TC phase are
- multiple body elements (3 Feb 03)
- General concept for hiding content based on conditions (7 Apr 03)
- Enhanced change tracking for text documents (14 Apr 03)
- Enhanced gradients (16 Jun 03)
- Multiple strokes per shape (16 Jun 03)
- Style concept for underlining/crossing out (22 Sep 03)
- Chart extensions (1 Dec 03)
- Drawing Object Positioning (8 Mar 04)
- The larger topics for phase two are
- Security features (for instance digital signatures)
- Form features (for instance support of XForms functionality)
- Integration of user defined schemes
- Enhanced bibliography features
- Contact Manager Information
see also
What we (at least) have to decide is:
- Whether we want to have a seperate "maintance" track, and if so,
whether this is a formal sub committee or only a detail of the
- The schedule itself,
- A process how we get detailed specifications for either the minor
changes we discuss or the larger features. This seems to be required,
because the process we had for phase 1 (that was to take the OOo
specification and to discuss only the changes that we think are
required) will not work for phase 2.
Best regards
Michael Brauer wrote:
> Obviously, the title was wrong. It's the agenda for March, the 15th.
> Michael
> Michael Brauer wrote:
>> Open Office XML Format TC
>> Agenda Phone Conference 15 March 2004
>> =====================================
>> The Open Office XML Format Technical Committee will have its next
>> meeting on Monday, March the 15th, at 8am PT (4pm GMT).
>> Please notify the TC mailing list if you are not able to attent to the
>> con call, so that the con call can be moved if necessary.
>> The teleconference phone number can be found at the TC's web page at
>> Attendance to the conference is restricted to members and prospective
>> members of the committee.
>> Agenda
>> ------
>> Approx.
>> Time (PDT) Topic
>> ---------- -----
>> 8:00-8:05 Roll Call
>> 8:05-8:10 Approval of last meeting's minutes, action item review
>> 8:05-8:55 Phase 2 preparation
>> 8:55-9:00 New Action-Item-Review
>> Best regards
>> Michael
>> To unsubscribe from this mailing list (and be removed from the roster
>> of the OASIS TC), go to
>> To unsubscribe from this mailing list (and be removed from the roster
>> of the OASIS TC), go to
Michael Brauer Phone: +49 40 23646 500
Technical Architect Software Engineering Fax: +49 40 23646 550
StarOffice Applications
Star Office Software Entwicklungs GmbH
Sachsenfeld 4
D-20097 Hamburg, Germany e-mail:
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