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Fwd: Membership and Public Review of OASIS Artifact Standard Identification Scheme for Metadata

  • 1.  Fwd: Membership and Public Review of OASIS Artifact Standard Identification Scheme for Metadata

    Posted 02-06-2006 20:36
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    Subject: Fwd: Membership and Public Review of OASIS Artifact Standard Identification Scheme for Metadata

         FYI.  Comments in response to this review are being directed to this 
    list, through 1 March 2006.
    Regards  JBC
    ~   James Bryce Clark
    ~   Director, Standards Development, OASIS
    ~   jamie.clark@oasis-open.org
    >Date: Mon, 06 Feb 2006 11:44:36 -0800
    >To: members@lists.oasis-open.org, tc-announce@lists.oasis-open.org
    >From: James Bryce Clark <jamie.clark@oasis-open.org>
    >Subject: Membership and Public Review of OASIS Artifact Standard
    >   Identification Scheme for Metadata
    >OASIS Members:
    >The OASIS Technical Advisory Board (TAB) has asked that the OASIS 
    >membership and the public review its
    >     OASIS Artifact Standard Identification Scheme for Metadata
    >and provide comments during the period ending 1 March 2006 (details below).
    >This document, approved by the TAB, proposes rules for how OASIS artifacts 
    >(e.g. specifications, schemas, WSDL) are named, what metadata must be 
    >associated with each artifact, consistent filenames and persistent (and 
    >consistent) URIs for artifacts (incorporating some of the required 
    >metadata), and updates to the OASIS URN spaces.
    >This work furthers goals for consistent naming, persistent URIs, and the 
    >efficiency of data and document management across OASIS. Many of the 
    >recommendations are already in effect, e.g. in the current document 
    >templates. Others are guidance for work in progress, e.g. persistent URIs 
    >for accessing OASIS artifacts.
    >Please carefully consider the proposed requirements, as their 
    >implementation will facilitate pending improvements in OASIS document 
    >management, process automation, and expression of namespaces.
    >While this document is written as a set of requirements, the use of this 
    >document is recommended and not mandated. After this second General 
    >Membership review in February 2006, we expect that the OASIS Technical 
    >Advisory Board will approve a future version as a contribution to ongoing 
    >OASIS policy discussions.
    >Earlier versions of this document, under various names, have been 
    >circulated to the OASIS Chairs email list and (as the "Artifact 
    >Identification Requirements") went through a General Membership Review 
    >cycle in July 2005.
    >The package for this General Membership Review includes
    >(1) This cover letter
    >(2) The document 
    >ArtifactStandardIdentificationSchemeForMetadata-v1.0.1.pdf:  at 
    >(3) A spreadsheet listing comments and responses from the July 2005 
    >review:  at: 
    >Discussion will take place, and comments will be taken from, the 
    >oasis-member-discuss list; to send to that list and to receive real-time 
    >emails, please apply to join the list(login as a member, select All 
    >Groups, scroll down to OASIS Member Discuss, and click the "Join Group" 
    >link. There is no waiting period.
    >Comments will be considered through those received on March 1, 2006, 
    >midnight US Eastern Standard Time.
    >Thank you for your consideration of these important issues.
    >The OASIS TAB

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