UBL Naming and Design Rules SC

[ubl-ndrsc] Agenda for 6 February 2002 UBL NDR meeting

  • 1.  [ubl-ndrsc] Agenda for 6 February 2002 UBL NDR meeting

    Posted 02-05-2002 10:37
    We ARE MEETING tomorrow because enough people told me they could make it 
    (even if we don't achieve quorum).  Note that I myself can't attend, but 
    Mark will be there and will chair the meeting.  PLEASE arrive on time.
    NDR SC portal: http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ubl/ndrsc/
    We will meet by phone on Wednesday, 6 February 2002, at:
       8-10am PT   (GMT -8)
       11am-1pm ET (GMT -5)
       5-7pm Eur   (GMT +1)
    Please use the following dial-in information, which will remain the same 
    through at least March 27:
       Toll-free (from the U.S.)         +1 888 232 0361
       International access/caller-paid  +1 805 240 9673
       Participant code                  165-412
    1. Roll call (till x:05)
        See member list at http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ubl/ndrsc/
    2. Acceptance of minutes of previous meetings (till x:06)
        23-25 January 2002 F2F:
        30 January 2002 telecon:
    3. Adoption of agenda (please send suggestions *before* meeting) (till x:07)
    4. Action item review (till x:09)
        ACTION: Mark to update tag structure position paper.
        ACTION: Sue and Maryann to do some use case brainstorming offline.
        ACTION: Bill and Mavis to champion the URI/URN issue and determine an
        ACTION: Everyone to critique modnamver UML diagram.
        ACTION: Arofan, Tim, and Lisa to develop example based on current
        thinking in library group and leveraging NDR stuff to see if it can
        work. Anticipate certain part of the example will be ready for F2F
        presentation.  (Was this about modnamver?)
        ACTION: Namespace issues need to be raised to library committee for
        joint resolution.  (Needs owner.)
        ACTION: Gunther will finish some modifications to the elements vs.
        attributes position paper and will post it by January 31.
    5. Planning for March 11 deadline (till x:30)
        We need a week-by-week schedule for issues to discuss/decide.  Here
        is the start of a proposal:
        - Feb 6:        Start code lists, start elements vs. attributes
        - Feb 7-13:     Finish tag structure/data dictionary issues and code lists
        - Feb 14-20:    Finish elements vs. attributes and ______________ (?)
        - Feb 21-27:    ______________ (?)
        - Feb 28-Mar 6: ______________ (?)
        - Mar 7-9:      Final NDR document/position paper edits
    6. Code list discussion (till y:15)
        Position paper is at:
        What (very roughly) are our use cases driving our choice of solutions?
        See this message for two alternative views:
        What are our requirements around these areas, and in each case, do
        internal vs. external code lists have different requirements?
        - Validation of code list values through XSD vs. by other means
        - Efficiency of expression in the instance
        - Extensibility of code lists and when it is allowed/disallowed
        - Subsetting of code lists
        - Inclusion of dynamic sets of code list values
        - Identifying, documenting, and versioning the code list used
        - Combining values from internal and external code lists
        If we can clarify all these items in this meeting, for next week we
        can examine/choose among the various technical solutions that have
        already been proposed in email.  We should plan on vigorous email
    7. Element vs. attribute discussion (till y:50)
        Position paper is at:
        It seems that this decision has a "taste" component as well as sound
        technical rationales.  Nonetheless, what are the requirements around:
        - Extensibility
        - Instance readability
        - Semantic clarity (compatibility with the data dictionary framework)
        Again, if we can clarify all these items in this meeting, for next
        week we can examine/choose among the various technical solutions
        that have already been proposed in email.
    8. Action items and next steps (till y:59)
    9. Adjourn (z:00)
    Eve Maler                                    +1 781 442 3190
    Sun Microsystems XML Technology Center   eve.maler @ sun.com