OASIS Emergency Management TC

Advisory Note Concerning a Mechanism for Threat Advisory Messages

  • 1.  Advisory Note Concerning a Mechanism for Threat Advisory Messages

    Posted 04-11-2003 12:46
    As time is of the essence here, I offer the attached draft
    letter as my suggestion of how we could handle this situation
    simply and quickly. I do know that Deborah Diaz is the
    appropriate person at DHS to get this letter and I am
    confident that she will act on it.
    At 06:28 AM 4/10/2003 -0700, Rex Brooks wrote:
    >Hi Eliot, Everyone,
    >I think that the wisest way to approach this touchy situation is to 
    >address it to a human decision-maker, i.e. "Dear Colleague:..." and write 
    >it in plain English, with the attachment also framed as an explanation 
    >with code to illustrate what is said.  The hypothetical human 
    >decision-maker actually exists somewhere along the line, so making the 
    >effort to show some human consideration is likely to create a friendlier 
    >and more receptive response.
    >I worry that anyone who is sent a message that is primarily code will 
    >probably not take the time to identify and understand the problem. I 
    >wouldn't if I didn't have plenty of time to spare for this.
    >As it is, I still don't have a good idea of why what DHS has done is in 
    >error and I don't have the time to uncover the problem on my own. The 
    >attachment makes good sense, but without knowledge of why it is needed, I 
    >can't form an opinion about the importance of the change it suggests.
    >So, I think it would be politic and diplomatic to briefly explain why a 
    >change would be to everyone's benefit and offer the remedy.