OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

Re: [office-accessibility] Accessibility Evaluation of the OpenDocumentv1.0 specification

  • 1.  Re: [office-accessibility] Accessibility Evaluation of the OpenDocumentv1.0 specification

    Posted 05-27-2006 11:08
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [office-accessibility] Accessibility Evaluation of the OpenDocumentv1.0 specification

    Thanks Peter, and all those involved with the ODF Accessibility Subcommittee.  I've been subscribed to the subcommittee mailing list from the start, so I'm aware of the tremendous effort you all have all been putting into this.  Now, with this report,  we can all see the awesome results that have come from this effort.  This is a demonstration of the knowledge and talents of the experts involved, but also a demonstration of the power of an open standards process which allowed such experts to come together in order to evolve standards to better serve a user community that is often (regrettably) under-served by the market.

    I look forward to seeing the suggestions for moving accessibility support forward even further.



    Peter.Korn@Sun.COM wrote on 05/26/2006 08:19:10 PM:

    > Greetings,
    > As set forth in the Statement of purpose of the Accessibility
    > Subcommittee of the OASIS ODF Technical Committee, the Accessibility
    > Subcommittee submits their report of the outcome of their accessibility
    > evaluation of the OpenDocument v1.0 specification.  Our report is
    > attached, in ODF, PDF, and XHTML formats.

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