OASIS Digital Signature Services eXtended (DSS-X) TC

  • 1.  Raw chat trace of meeting #182 on 2017-JUL-17

    Posted 07-17-2017 17:07
    Agenda-Draft E-Mail URL: - E-Mail Public URL = https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dss-x/201707/msg00012.html Minutes Draft Public URL (previous meeting): - URL = https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/60968/dssx-181-draft-minutes-shagen-20170529.txt Online document walkthroughs or presentations: - URL = "Upon request via join.me" Timeline: - URL = "Ad Hoc " Agenda Draft (for meeting #182): - Roll call - Approve agenda - Approve minutes from previous meeting(s) - Minutes from May 29, 2017 TC meeting #181: - URL https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/60968/dssx-181-draft-minutes-shagen-20170529.txt - Procedural Issues - Core v2.0 issues discussion - Profiles - AOB - Next meeting - Monday July 31, 2017 during 18:00 - 19:00 CEST? (2017-07-31 17:00 to 18:00 UTC) ? UsefulPlaces: - Chat: - http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/dss-x # ... this place - ScreenShare and Voice: - join.me (or as fallback upon request skype) Next Planned meeting (tentative): - Monday July 31, 2017 during 18:00 - 19:00 CEST? (2017-07-31 17:00 to 18:00 UTC) ? - https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/dss-x/event.php?event_id=45653 [14:56] Stefan Hagen: Interesting URLs for the meeting: - Red line / Discussion version of the editor document 2017-JUL-17: - https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/61198/dss-core-v2.0-wd01-kavi-redlined-2017-07-17.docx [16:02] Stefan Hagen: - Contribution and ideas from Andreas Kuehne w.r.t. snippets and prose back and forth: - URL: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dss-x/201707/msg00010.html [18:03] Juan Carlos: Call of 17 July 2017 [18:03] Juan Carlos: 1. Welcome by the chair (Juan Carlos Cruellas) [18:04] Juan Carlos: 2. Minutes taker All write into the chat, Stefan assembles and uploads into document area. 3. Roll call [18:04] Juan Carlos: AK, SH, JC [18:04] Stefan Hagen: Voting Members: 3 of 4 (75%) (used for quorum calculation) [18:04] Juan Carlos: We have quorum [18:04] Juan Carlos: 4. Approval of the agenda [18:07] Stefan Hagen: Approved [18:07] Juan Carlos: 5. Approval of minutes [18:07] Juan Carlos: Approved [18:08] Juan Carlos: 6. Procedural issues [18:11] Stefan Hagen: Submitter's message Shifted meeting to July 17, as this is the first date Stefan can join, and we again had problems with quorum today. Please all try to let us meet on July 17! Thank You. -- Mr. Stefan Hagen [18:29] Stefan Hagen: URL = https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/60713/dss-core-v2.0-wd01-2017-05-14.docx [18:31] Stefan Hagen: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/dss-x/event.php?event_id=45653 [18:31] Stefan Hagen: first public second private [18:33] Juan Carlos: 7. Core v2.0 issues discussion [18:35] Stefan Hagen: - Contribution and ideas from Andreas Kuehne w.r.t. snippets and prose back and forth: - URL: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dss-x/201707/msg00010.html [18:36] Stefan Hagen: Andreas: The many structures (50+) times the 2 formats makes it always harder to keep these snippets in sync with he prose [18:36] Stefan Hagen: Andreas thus suggests to try out a tool to embed the matching examples from the sources (psd file etc) into the prose instance [18:38] Stefan Hagen: Andreas tooling is focused on section 3 as this is the most tricky part (mix of source and process) [18:38] Stefan Hagen: s/process/prose/ [18:39] Stefan Hagen: JCC: Everything from schema files? [18:39] Stefan Hagen: Andreas: No only top level [18:39] Stefan Hagen: Andreas: Maybe also the lower levels (more deeply nested) [18:49] Stefan Hagen: Sample 3.2.1: The XML element SHALL implement in XML syntax the AnyType component. The AnyType XML element SHALL be defined as in XML Schema file [FILE NAME] whose location is detailed in clause [CLAUSE FOR LINK TO THE XSD], and is copied below for information. [18:49] Stefan Hagen: Is this all from the schema? [18:50] Stefan Hagen: This also? nly one of Id or IdRef children MUST be present within one Instance of ContainerType. [DSS-3.1-2] [18:51] Stefan Hagen: Stefan loves to se such a schema [18:54] Stefan Hagen: Andreas suggests to send the schema (enriched) and is happy that the reception of trying such an approach is positive. He will also add comments so the members better understand what is placed where and will end up where ... [18:54] Stefan Hagen: Stefan supports this and looks forward to the xml schema with more content for prose and how the tagging for the XSLT linkage does work [18:56] Stefan Hagen: JCC: Reference document for now is in the editor online place and kavi, later when the TC is confident the proposed new tooling placing some content for the prose into the xml schema works, this may change. [18:56] Stefan Hagen: JCC: Reference document for now is in the editor online place and kavi, later when the TC is confident the proposed new tooling placing some content for the prose into the xml schema works, this may change. [18:59] Stefan Hagen: Some discussion on clear embedding of xml signatures even in JSON format or not (based on v1.0 proposed use of exclusive canonicalization) [18:59] Stefan Hagen: Time check (1 minute left)! [18:59] Stefan Hagen: Profiles [18:59] Stefan Hagen: skipped [18:59] Stefan Hagen: AOB [19:00] Stefan Hagen: Presumably none. [19:00] Stefan Hagen: - Next meeting - Monday July 31, 2017 during 18:00 - 19:00 CEST? (2017-07-31 17:00 to 18:00 UTC) ? [19:02] Stefan Hagen: JCC may be not able to participate [19:03] Stefan Hagen: All try to meet on July, 31 to esp. further discuss the (probably enhanced) tooling [19:03] Stefan Hagen: Agreed [19:03] Stefan Hagen: Andreas (AOB) new meeting of STF in London - maybe present the new profiles? [19:04] Stefan Hagen: JCC suggests that Andreas checks back with Sonja (from ETSI) [19:05] Stefan Hagen: Motion to adjourn [19:06] Stefan Hagen: Meeting adjourned

  • 2.  Re: [dss-x] Raw chat trace of meeting #182 on 2017-JUL-17

    Posted 07-18-2017 08:37
    Hi Stefan: Pleas find below some comments to the notes: 1. The name of the ESI Technical Officer is Sonia Compans. I suggest to use her complete name and surname. 2. On the text "Some discussion on clear embeding of xml signatures....": 2.a. I think that I never mentioned the embedding of "xml signatures even in JSON". What I am supporting is that the messages in a certain syntax should be allowed to transport in clear the signature formats that are defined in *that* syntax, i.e. XML Signatures in the XML protocol and JSON signatures in JSON protocol. I consequently request that the "even in JSON" is removed if this may lead to the conclusion that I support this mixture of formats....because I do not have a strong opinion on it 2.b. After the meeting finalized I wrote into the chat what I consider a summary of my position, which included things that I had said at the call. Maybe this could be added into the minutes. In the end, as I said, it summarizes what I think I said. Regards Juan Carlos. El 17/7/17 a las 19:07, Mr. Stefan Hagen escribió: Agenda-Draft E-Mail URL: - E-Mail Public URL = https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dss-x/201707/msg00012.html Minutes Draft Public URL (previous meeting): - URL = https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/60968/dssx-181-draft-minutes-shagen-20170529.txt Online document walkthroughs or presentations: - URL = "Upon request via join.me" Timeline: - URL = "Ad Hoc " Agenda Draft (for meeting #182): - Roll call - Approve agenda - Approve minutes from previous meeting(s) - Minutes from May 29, 2017 TC meeting #181: - URL https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/60968/dssx-181-draft-minutes-shagen-20170529.txt - Procedural Issues - Core v2.0 issues discussion - Profiles - AOB - Next meeting - Monday July 31, 2017 during 18:00 - 19:00 CEST? (2017-07-31 17:00 to 18:00 UTC) ? UsefulPlaces: - Chat: - http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/dss-x # ... this place - ScreenShare and Voice: - join.me (or as fallback upon request skype) Next Planned meeting (tentative): - Monday July 31, 2017 during 18:00 - 19:00 CEST? (2017-07-31 17:00 to 18:00 UTC) ? - https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/dss-x/event.php?event_id=45653 [14:56] Stefan Hagen: Interesting URLs for the meeting: - Red line / Discussion version of the editor document 2017-JUL-17: - https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/61198/dss-core-v2.0-wd01-kavi-redlined-2017-07-17.docx [16:02] Stefan Hagen: - Contribution and ideas from Andreas Kuehne w.r.t. snippets and prose back and forth: - URL: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dss-x/201707/msg00010.html [18:03] Juan Carlos: Call of 17 July 2017 [18:03] Juan Carlos: 1. Welcome by the chair (Juan Carlos Cruellas) [18:04] Juan Carlos: 2. Minutes taker All write into the chat, Stefan assembles and uploads into document area. 3. Roll call [18:04] Juan Carlos: AK, SH, JC [18:04] Stefan Hagen: Voting Members: 3 of 4 (75%) (used for quorum calculation) [18:04] Juan Carlos: We have quorum [18:04] Juan Carlos: 4. Approval of the agenda [18:07] Stefan Hagen: Approved [18:07] Juan Carlos: 5. Approval of minutes [18:07] Juan Carlos: Approved [18:08] Juan Carlos: 6. Procedural issues [18:11] Stefan Hagen: Submitter's message Shifted meeting to July 17, as this is the first date Stefan can join, and we again had problems with quorum today. Please all try to let us meet on July 17! Thank You. -- Mr. Stefan Hagen [18:29] Stefan Hagen: URL = https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/60713/dss-core-v2.0-wd01-2017-05-14.docx [18:31] Stefan Hagen: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/dss-x/event.php?event_id=45653 [18:31] Stefan Hagen: first public second private [18:33] Juan Carlos: 7. Core v2.0 issues discussion [18:35] Stefan Hagen: - Contribution and ideas from Andreas Kuehne w.r.t. snippets and prose back and forth: - URL: https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dss-x/201707/msg00010.html [18:36] Stefan Hagen: Andreas: The many structures (50+) times the 2 formats makes it always harder to keep these snippets in sync with he prose [18:36] Stefan Hagen: Andreas thus suggests to try out a tool to embed the matching examples from the sources (psd file etc) into the prose instance [18:38] Stefan Hagen: Andreas tooling is focused on section 3 as this is the most tricky part (mix of source and process) [18:38] Stefan Hagen: s/process/prose/ [18:39] Stefan Hagen: JCC: Everything from schema files? [18:39] Stefan Hagen: Andreas: No only top level [18:39] Stefan Hagen: Andreas: Maybe also the lower levels (more deeply nested) [18:49] Stefan Hagen: Sample 3.2.1: The XML element SHALL implement in XML syntax the AnyType component. The AnyType XML element SHALL be defined as in XML Schema file [FILE NAME] whose location is detailed in clause [CLAUSE FOR LINK TO THE XSD], and is copied below for information. [18:49] Stefan Hagen: Is this all from the schema? [18:50] Stefan Hagen: This also? nly one of Id or IdRef children MUST be present within one Instance of ContainerType. [DSS-3.1-2] [18:51] Stefan Hagen: Stefan loves to se such a schema [18:54] Stefan Hagen: Andreas suggests to send the schema (enriched) and is happy that the reception of trying such an approach is positive. He will also add comments so the members better understand what is placed where and will end up where ... [18:54] Stefan Hagen: Stefan supports this and looks forward to the xml schema with more content for prose and how the tagging for the XSLT linkage does work [18:56] Stefan Hagen: JCC: Reference document for now is in the editor online place and kavi, later when the TC is confident the proposed new tooling placing some content for the prose into the xml schema works, this may change. [18:56] Stefan Hagen: JCC: Reference document for now is in the editor online place and kavi, later when the TC is confident the proposed new tooling placing some content for the prose into the xml schema works, this may change. [18:59] Stefan Hagen: Some discussion on clear embedding of xml signatures even in JSON format or not (based on v1.0 proposed use of exclusive canonicalization) [18:59] Stefan Hagen: Time check (1 minute left)! [18:59] Stefan Hagen: Profiles [18:59] Stefan Hagen: skipped [18:59] Stefan Hagen: AOB [19:00] Stefan Hagen: Presumably none. [19:00] Stefan Hagen: - Next meeting - Monday July 31, 2017 during 18:00 - 19:00 CEST? (2017-07-31 17:00 to 18:00 UTC) ? [19:02] Stefan Hagen: JCC may be not able to participate [19:03] Stefan Hagen: All try to meet on July, 31 to esp. further discuss the (probably enhanced) tooling [19:03] Stefan Hagen: Agreed [19:03] Stefan Hagen: Andreas (AOB) new meeting of STF in London - maybe present the new profiles? [19:04] Stefan Hagen: JCC suggests that Andreas checks back with Sonja (from ETSI) [19:05] Stefan Hagen: Motion to adjourn [19:06] Stefan Hagen: Meeting adjourned