Thanks Jacob,
I just sent a message that includes this, along with the invitation
for corrections, comments, suggestions. You beat me to the send
button. ;-)
At 10:35 AM -0500 2/16/09, Jacob Westfall wrote:
> The IPAWS Profile draft submitted to the TC for consideration
>has some comments in the included XML Schema that I want to bring
>up. The profile schema is a derivative of CAP 1.1 in that it uses
>the same base schema and adds additional profile constraints. There
>are some profile requirements that cannot be expressed using a
>schema and are not present. Others can be expressed easily, and
>some require further levels of detail and complexity. The comments
>in the schema note that some requirements such as timezones in the
>dateTime values could be expressed using regular expressions but
>would add some complexity not normally found in previous TC schemas.
> I support adding these requirements to the schema as regular
>expressions to clearly articulate the additional constraints of the
>profile versus CAP 1.1. Are there any concerns from other members
>about doing this, or perhaps an alternate method of achieving the
>same goal in the schema?
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Rex Brooks
President, CEO
Starbourne Communications Design
GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
Berkeley, CA 94702
Tel: 510-898-0670