OASIS Open Data Protocol (OData) TC

Agenda for OData TC meeting 2013.09.05

  • 1.  Agenda for OData TC meeting 2013.09.05

    Posted 09-03-2013 23:55
    Here [1] is a draft agenda for the OData TC (Technical Committee) meeting scheduled on Thursday September 5, 2013 during 8-9am PT. For additional information, such as dial-in details and chat room, refer to [2]. For TC timeline, see [3]. Feel free to suggest additions or modifications.   Thanks.   [1] Agenda for 2013.09.05 OData TC meeting   1.        Roll call [8:00am PT]   2.        Approve agenda [8:05am PT]   3.        Approve minutes from previous meeting(s) [8:10am PT] a.        Minutes from August 15, 2013 TC meeting: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/50296/odata-meeting-49_on-20130815-minutes.html   4.        Review action items [Action item list: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/members/action_items.php ] [8:15am PT] a.        Action items due by Sept 5, 2013                                                                i.       #0018: Prepare Working Draft 01 (WD01) version of OData Extension for Temporal Data [owner: Hubert Heijkers]                                                              ii.       #0019: Prepare Working Draft 01 (WD01) version of OData Extension for XML Data [owner: Stefan Drees]                                                             iii.       #0020: Prepare Working Draft 01 (WD01) version of OData Extension for JSON Data [owner: Susan Malaika]                                                            iv.       #0029: Prepare Securing Open Data [owner: Ralf Handl]   5.        Advancing to Candidate OASIS Standard [8:20am PT] a.        Need at least THREE Statements of Use before we can advance OData v4.0 to Candidate OASIS Standard. Let’s discuss who can provide these Statements of Use and when we can expect them.   6.        Publishing What's New in OData Version 4.0 Committee Note[8:25am PT] a.        Ticket has been submitted to the TC admin; it is in the queue for publication   7.        OData Extension for Data Aggregation [8:26am PT] a.        Currently in first public review ending 19 th September 2013. No public comments yet.   8.        Process issues [Issues list: https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&mode=hide&pid=10103 ] [8:30am PT] a.        Issues in New state                                                                i.       ODATA-468 : Define explicit concepts in ABNF for referenced sets of rules [Open]                                                              ii.       ODATA-469 : Type of Extends attribute in edm.xsd must be TQualifiedName instead of TSimpleIdentifier                                                             iii.       ODATA-470 : Clarify behavior of /$value requests to properties of type Edm.Binary or Edm.Geo*                                                            iv.       ODATA-471 : Property names must also be a valid XML Names (NCName)                                                              v.       ODATA-472 : Explicitly state how dynamic properties are represented if they are not defined on an entity                                                            vi.       ODATA-473 : Harmonize description of function overload advertisement in Atom and JSON                                                           vii.       ODATA-474 : Add example for POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE on function result                                                         viii.       ODATA-475 : Document that the value "%" is used for annotating percentages with Measures.Unit                                                            ix.       ODATA-476 : Clarify that type-cast segments are NOT required for properties of derived types in system query options                                                              x.       ODATA-477 : Clarify that dynamic properties can be used in all system query options                                                            xi.       ODATA-478 : Clarify format for values of Content-ID header in $batch parts                                                           xii.       ODATA-479 : Allow Content-ID referencing in request bodies for inserting links to newly created entities                                                         xiii.       ODATA-480 : $batch: remove restriction "within the same change set " for Content-ID referencing                                                         xiv.       ODATA-481 : Annotation/Navigation/Path expressions: allow paths to continue after multi-valued navigation to e.g. drill into complex properties                                                          xv.       ODATA-482 : Allow inlining stream properties                                                         xvi.       ODATA-483 : Provide stable, memorable section bookmarks for all document sections                                                       xvii.       ODATA-484 : Remove reference to "fixed-length or variable-length" primitive values                                                      xviii.       ODATA-485 : Add example for UrlRef _expression_ that contains a literal string that is a URL                                                         xix.       ODATA-486 : Missing <Record> wrapper in three examples                                                          xx.       ODATA-487 : Clarify where relative URLs follow the rules in section 4.3 and where they follow different rules                                                         xxi.       ODATA-488 : Restrict values of edm:Bool in edm.xsd to lower-case "true" and "false"                                                       xxii.       ODATA-489 : Clarify wording for OnDelete                                                      xxiii.       ODATA-490 : Clarify Referential Constraints have UpdateRule=Cascade semantics                                                     xxiv.       ODATA-491 : Explicitly state that key property values MUST be language-independent                                                       xxv.       ODATA-492 : Add example for „has" operator to section                                                     xxvi.       ODATA-493 : Capabilities vocabulary: add term for SearchRestrictions                                                    xxvii.       ODATA-494 : Add possibility to "extend" enumeration types with additional values                                                  xxviii.       ODATA-495 : Clarify that Edm.Double and Edm.Single are 64-bit and 32-bit IEEE754 floating-point numbers                                                     xxix.       ODATA-496 : Adapt outdated action/function overload resolution rules in Part 1 to current rules in Part 3                                                       xxx.       ODATA-497 : Make type prefix optional for URL literals                                                     xxxi.       ODATA-498 : Error with m:type in Example 31 of Atom                                                    xxxii.       ODATA-499 : 7.1.3 Nullable should refer to NavigationProperty, not Property                                                  xxxiii.       ODATA-500 : Require function/action overloads to differ by ordered set of parameter types   9.        Next meeting [8:58am PT] a.        September 12, 2013 during 8-9am PT?   10.    AOB and wrap up [8:59am PT]   [2] References ·          Conference call details: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/odata/download.php/46401/TC%20meeting%20dial-in%20details.htm ·          Chat room: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/odatatc   [3] Timeline ·          https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/49178/TC%20Timeline%205.htm