OASIS Charter Submission Discuss

  • 1.  Groups - TAG Conference Call added

    Posted 03-28-2007 16:17

  • 2.  RE: [staff-standards] Groups - TAG Conference Call added

    Posted 03-28-2007 16:29
    I just spoke with both John Madden and Rex Brooks. John has continued to
    have problems getting into the OASIS system to vote and Rex didn't know an
    individual could vote -- he though only organizations were allowed to vote
    on IPR.
    Bothe agreed to contact you today. Please let me know if either fails to
    contact you and I will call them again.
    Dr. Brett Trusko
    Author: Improving Healthcare Quality and Cost with Six Sigma

  • 3.  RE: [staff-standards] Groups - TAG Conference Call added

    Posted 03-28-2007 16:29
    I just spoke with both John Madden and Rex Brooks. John has continued to
    have problems getting into the OASIS system to vote and Rex didn't know an
    individual could vote -- he though only organizations were allowed to vote
    on IPR.
    Bothe agreed to contact you today. Please let me know if either fails to
    contact you and I will call them again.
    Dr. Brett Trusko
    Author: Improving Healthcare Quality and Cost with Six Sigma