OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

  • 1.  RE: [ebxml-msg] Large file transmission using AS2 restart

    Posted 03-24-2010 15:24
    Excellent ideas.  So quick check here for my understanding - does re-start equate to chaining - so that I can send a large message in multiple pieces and the receiver then be able to recreate the original file when complete?  Sorta like the filesharing swarm delivery of bittorrent clients... but with discreet channels - not just anyone!

    Thanks, DW

  • 2.  RE: [ebxml-msg] Large file transmission using AS2 restart

    Posted 03-24-2010 16:04

    Restart has a sender do a HTTP HEAD request to find the status of how many bytes (0 to all) made it to the receiver. An identifier (from the original POST request) allows the receiver to know what interaction is being queried. The sender then transmits the remainder.

    So it is not similar to bittorrent. (Mostly the files exchanged in business are created by one party for some other one party—there just aren’t other nodes out there that have a copy of the specific file so that data exchange can spread file-part transmissions over many TPC connections.)

    Read the Internet-Draft for more details. Terry Harding is the editor.

    From: David RR Webber (XML) [mailto:david@drrw.info]
    Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 8:24 AM
    To: Pim van der Eijk
    Cc: ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: RE: [ebxml-msg] Large file transmission using AS2 restart



    Excellent ideas.  So quick check here for my understanding - does re-start equate to chaining - so that I can send a large message in multiple pieces and the receiver then be able to recreate the original file when complete?  Sorta like the filesharing swarm delivery of bittorrent clients... but with discreet channels - not just anyone!

    Thanks, DW



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