26 May UBL 2.1 PRD2 draft approved for public review Hello UBL TC, I am pleased to report that the following resolution was adopted during the opening plenary of today's UBL TC meeting in Stockholm: RESOLVED to approve for 30-day public review the UBL 2.1 draft currently located at
http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/42317/UBL-2.1-PRD2-20110526.zip and to authorize the Editors to make last-minute minor nonsubstantive editorial changes and such other changes as may be required by OASIS administration to prepare the draft for public review. Four out of the five TC members who currently have voting status were present in the meeting, and their vote was unanimous. Note that the resolution proposed in my message of 26 May 2011 was amended to make this a 30-day review rather than the 15-day minimum mandated by the TC process in order to give stakeholders and other interested parties extra time to review the draft. It was also agreed in a separate discussion to emphasize our desire for testing of the UBL 2.1 digital signature mechanism in announcements relating to the public review and to note that this testing can be carried out using existing 2.0 implementations. Jon Bosak Chair, OASIS UBL TC