Pat - If we nominated one of the bi-weekly TC meetings to be 'the monthly' call then I think it would result in people getting voting rights easily and achieve the same thing. Every TC meeting we typically do a quick recap of where we are at on progress and then spend time getting into the details. Secondly, once someone has voting rights they don t just lose them immediately again. So if folks want to attend just 1 monthly meeting they could just come to every other meeting and check in on the progress. Regards Allan On 4/3/20, 7:45 AM, "MARONEY, PATRICK" <> wrote: THIS EMAIL ORIGINATES FROM OUTSIDE OF LOOKINGGLASS Allan, Thanks. I closely analyzed the CACOA roster and meeting attendance data before commenting. Yes there are a core group of people/organizations regularly participating. My suggestion was targeted specifically increasing that participation in terms of Organizations engaged/represented. If there's no perceived issue with same, then please simply disregard. Patrick Maroney Principal Cybersecurity AT&T Chief Security Office