OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

[office] OpenDocument TC coordination call minutes 2007-10-15

  • 1.  [office] OpenDocument TC coordination call minutes 2007-10-15

    Posted 10-19-2007 12:16
    * Rollcall
    Helen Yue, IBM
    Ma Yue, IBM
    Patrick Durusau
    David Wheeler
    David Faure, KDE
    Michael Brauer, Sun Microsystems
    Lars Oppermann, Sun Microsystems
    Oliver-Rainer Wittmann, Sun Microsystems
    Eike Rathke, Sun Microsystems
    * Minutes from last coordination call
    - no further comments
    The attending TC members unanimously accepted the minutes
    * Action Items
    Lars: post proposal for auto-label positions
    - done
    OO.org developer comments on Layer sets per page
    - ongoing
    Lars: property defaults
    - ongoing
    Lars, David F.: ask developers about integer values in svg attributes
    -> spec should allow floating point values (see discussion)
    * Discussion
    Application developers would prefer floating point values for
    drawing/svg attributes
    RESOLUTION to allow floating point values for drawing/svg attributes
    Reminder: Michael adapted TC roaster. Please send mail about foreseeable
    absence. There is also the possibility to register a leave of absence
    which allows to miss a pre-specified number of meetings without
    effecting voting status.
    Note: when you have problems dialing in, please write a note to the
    mailing list including location from where you are trying to dial in and
    the number you are dialing.
    Semantic Web Group (TBL in particular) at W3C has approached Metadata SC
    concerning review/collaboration of the metadata specification. This is a
    great opportunity to verify the efforts in the metadata effort. Metadata
    SC may join a meeting organized by that group and discuss any
    potential/relevant issues.
    ACTION: Patrick to follow up on the contact
    * Version attribute in manifest file
    - no objections
    RESOLUTION: The attending TC members unanimously accepted the proposal
    * Chart data label auto-positions
    updated proposal
    using left/top/topleft...
    renaming "auto" to "avoid-overlap"...
    - no objections
    RESOLUTION: The attending TC members unanimously accepted the proposal
    * style:flow-with-text clarification
    Currently there are two opinions, TC decision needed.
    Review/opinions from about the proposals by the TC membership are needed
    on this topic
    * chart proposals
    More review by TC members needed
    * A11Y guidelines
    suggestion to accept as "committee draft"
    leave it up to editors to decide on mentioning vendors in glossary and
    listing toolkits and forthcoming toolkits (such as qt)
    - no objection
    RESOLUTION: The attending TC members unanimously accepted the A11Y guidelines as 
    a committee draft.
    RESOULTION: A11Y SC may provide new revised version to be approved as
    committee drafts in the future
    Sun Microsystems                Lars Oppermann