OASIS Charter Submission Discuss

  • 1.  RE: [oasis-charter-discuss] Re: Proposed Charter for OASIS SET TC

    Posted 05-13-2008 16:59
    I think the two are vastly different!  Apples and Oranges - both fruit - but there the similarities end.
    Not sure you saw my message on alignment with current OASIS CAM work and SET?  That I believe is instructive - especially the NIEM.gov work and the wantlist concepts around implementing CONTEXT.
    We should have the version of jCAM updated by Thursday to include the ability to generate wantlists and apply them from any XSD schema - so you can see these ideas working.
    I've included below the core statement from XDI - which IMHO leads back to the original DOCUMENT-centric work on providing global identifiers to content - sort of uber-wikipedia concept - of interconnected knowledge.  
    What we're talking about is optimizing business exchanges and the semantic alignment of those - so that interoperability is achieved more easily than today.  The references out from those exchanges is thus to semantic definitions (typically in a registry such as ebXML registry provides).
    Thanks, DW

  • 2.  Re: [oasis-charter-discuss] Re: Proposed Charter for OASIS SET TC

    Posted 05-13-2008 17:13
    I agree they are different yet complementary . As in-
    XDI is focused on metadata that specifies
  • Defining bindings of this abstract API to concrete transport protocols such as HTTP, SMTP, SIP, and XMPP, and to invocation protocols such as SOAP, REST, and RMI.
  • Defining the semantics of XDI dictionaries — self-describing ontologies for use in XDI data sharing.
  • Defining the semantics of XDI link contracts — XDI documents used to govern the terms of XDI data sharing relationships.

    Whereas :
    SET is focused on metadata for artifacts that support use of data being shared

    SET UBL / CCTS Ontology is for data content within that domain
    As an aside - I am quite interested to know where XDI dovetails with the work of the SDO TC
    On 5/13/08, David RR Webber (XML) <david@drrw.info> wrote:

    I think the two are vastly different!  Apples and Oranges - both fruit - but there the similarities end.

    Chair OASIS Business Centric Methodology TC
    co-Chair (ISO/TS 15000) ebXMLRegistry Semantic Content SC
    Ontolog ONION Cop Leader
    VP Berkeley Town Underwater Search & Rescue Unit
    vmail (usa) 908 322 8715
    CHECKMi:Mate Semantically Savvy Agents

  • 3.  RE: [oasis-charter-discuss] Re: Proposed Charter for OASIS SET TC

    Posted 05-13-2008 17:53
    Carl & David,
    Interesting and thanks for the fast turnaround.  I'll pass this on to
    the XDI TC members and we'll look for areas where XDI can compliment SET
    use, and vice versa. As for SDO, I am personally working on a Data
    Access Service (DAS) implementation that connects to an XDI store and
    will let you know as soon as I'm ready to release it (will be under an
    Open Source license).

  • 4.  Re: [oasis-charter-discuss] Re: Proposed Charter for OASIS SET TC

    Posted 05-13-2008 19:00
    Bill,et al:
    For the ontology work I hope we can all take advantage of the shared insights published in the 29-April-  OntologySummit2008 Communiqué: Towards an Open Ontology Repository "This communiqué represents the joint position of those who were engaged in the year's summit discourse on an Open Ontology Repository (OOR) and those who endorse below. In this discussion, we have agreed that an "ontology repository is a facility where ontologies and related information artifacts can be stored, retrieved and managed."   
    On 5/13/08, Barnhill, William CTR USAF AFMC AFRL/RIGA <William.Barnhill.ctr@rl.af.mil> wrote:
    Carl & David,

    Interesting and thanks for the fast turnaround.  I'll pass this on to
    the XDI TC members and we'll look for areas where XDI can compliment SET
    use, and vice versa. As for SDO, I am personally working on a Data
    Access Service (DAS) implementation that connects to an XDI store and
    will let you know as soon as I'm ready to release it (will be under an
    Open Source license).


    Chair OASIS Business Centric Methodology TC
    co-Chair (ISO/TS 15000) ebXMLRegistry Semantic Content SC
    Ontolog ONION Cop Leader
    VP Berkeley Town Underwater Search & Rescue Unit
    vmail (usa) 908 322 8715
    CHECKMi:Mate Semantically Savvy Agents