OASIS Web Services Interactive Applications TC

RE: [wsrp] [wsia] [wsrp-wsia joint interfaces] agenda for Tuesday 11June

  • 1.  RE: [wsrp] [wsia] [wsrp-wsia joint interfaces] agenda for Tuesday 11June

    Posted 06-17-2002 20:04
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    Subject: RE: [wsrp] [wsia] [wsrp-wsia joint interfaces] agenda for Tuesday 11June

    My comments are embedded in [CL]  tags.
    Best regards
    Carsten Leue
    Dr. Carsten Leue
    Dept.8288, IBM Laboratory B�blingen , Germany
    Tel.: +49-7031-16-4603, Fax: +49-7031-16-4401
    |         |           Eilon Reshef      |
    |         |           <eilon.reshef@webc|
    |         |           ollage.com>       |
    |         |                             |
    |         |           06/11/2002 09:37  |
    |         |           PM                |
    |         |           Please respond to |
    |         |           Eilon Reshef      |
    |         |                             |
      |                                                                                                                                             |
      |       To:       "'Alan Kropp'" <akropp@epicentric.com>, wsia@lists.oasis-open.org, wsrp@lists.oasis-open.org                                |
      |       cc:                                                                                                                                   |
      |       Subject:  RE: [wsrp] [wsia] [wsrp-wsia joint interfaces] agenda for Tuesday 11 June                                                   |
      |                                                                                                                                             |
      |                                                                                                                                             |
    Comments below, with <ER>
    I'll follow up with a related question in a subsequent e-mail