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Subject: UBL 1.0 Committee Draft ballot
UBL voting members,
It is with great pleasure that I submit UBL 1.0 for your approval
as an OASIS Committee Draft.
Balloting opens at 4 p.m. San Francisco time Friday 23 April 2004
and closes at 4 p.m. San Francisco time Friday 30 April 2004.
Since quick approval would be advantageous to our release
schedule, I urge you to log in now to the UBL TC site and click on
"Ballots" to record your vote. DO NOT use the UBL mailing list
for voting; use the web site.
The question to be voted on reads as follows:
1. That the OASIS UBL TC approves the UBL 1.0 Working Draft
currently located at
as an OASIS Committee Draft.
2. That upon approval by the TC, the UBL TC chairs and
secretaries are authorized to make such editorial and
formatting changes to the working draft as may be required
for publication as an OASIS Committee Draft, for example,
changing "wd-" to "cs-" and updating the document URI to
point to a permanent location on the OASIS web site.
3. That the Committee Draft be submitted to OASIS for public
review in preparation for OASIS standardization.
This draft represents six years of continuous development in the
creation of a standard XML business syntax, the last two years of
which have taken place in the OASIS Universal Business Language
Technical Committee. Your vote to approve the current document as
a Committee Draft will elevate the draft to the status of a public
specification and allow the TC to begin the review process needed
to make UBL 1.0 an OASIS Standard.
Q: Does a vote to approve the draft mean that we cannot change
it later?
A: No. Submission of the CD to OASIS will begin a 30-day
public review period, upon completion of which we will
review comments received and make changes accordingly.
However, substantive changes will require that we re-ballot
the new Committee Draft.
Q: If I am in favor of approving the CD, does it really make
any difference whether I vote?
A: Yes. OASIS rules require approval by 2/3 of the entire
voting membership of the TC in order to make a working draft
into a Committee Draft. An abstention or a failure to vote
may prevent passage of the resolution to approve.
Jon Bosak
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