OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

Fw: [ubl-comment] Posible error in element name

  • 1.  Fw: [ubl-comment] Posible error in element name

    Posted 04-07-2004 11:35
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Fw: [ubl-comment] Posible error in element name

    Many thanks for getting these schemas out so quickly.
    There was an error reported an hour or two ago on [ubl-comment] but I've
    been 'tied-up' till now.
    In both models and schemas the CardAccount. NetworkID is incorrectly spelt
    'NertworkID'. Is there any chance of changing this to 'NetworkID' in the EF
    model and the schemas and sending another copy of schemas before 15.00pm
    Berlin time?
    Would you mind letting me know fairly soon if you'll do this so I can decide
    whether or not to send out the recent set of schemas? Apologies for this
    typo, it has been there quite some time and not picked up; I think the typo
    may have been my fault.
    In the meantime I'll check the schemas through.
    All the best