OASIS Emergency Management TC

[emergency] Initial Focus for the TC

  • 1.  [emergency] Initial Focus for the TC

    Posted 02-13-2003 15:07
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    Subject: [emergency] Initial Focus for the TC

    Title: Initial Focus for the TC

    I am not sure that the minutes of our meeting do justice to the point I was trying to make.  I was not asking just whether fire was included.  I was suggesting that the committee must not lose sight to the full Emergency Management life cycle of Prevent, Mitigate, Respond and Recover across multiple disciplines (police, fire, healthcare, electrical and other infrastructure, etc.) .While it is important to look at various standards in place, it is just as important to look at functional needs for information exchange between the multiple disciplines that make up the Emergency Response Community and particularly the cross-discipline exchange requirements. Many of the current standards originated in single discipline information silos. Emergency response in a cross-discipline environment may be able to reuse some of these standards but we must be careful to recognize the full breadth of the requirements that exist, even as we choose a narrower scope for initial implementation.  We need to be careful that, in adopting existing standards, we do not reinforce the separate silo of information approach that plagues many of our current systems.

    Gary Ham

    "You would be surprised what you can accomplish when you do not care who gets the credit."  - Harry S. Truman

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