OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

  • 1.  Tool for validating XLIFF files released

    Posted 06-04-2009 13:41
    Hi All,
    One of the must have requirements for XLIFF 2.0 is a tool for
    validating XLIFF files. In preparation for that, I wrote and released
    XLIFFChecker, an open source program written in Java that validates
    XLIFF files against the official DTD (version 1.0) and schemas
    (versions 1.1 and 1.2). It also verifies details written in the specs
    that are impossible to enforce using XML grammars.
    XLIFFChecker is published under the terms of Eclipse Public License
    Binaries for Windows/Linux/Mac OS X and source code are available for
    download at http://www.maxprograms.com
    Once the new schema(s) and specifications for XLIFF 2.0 are ready,
    XLIFFChecker will be updated to support them too.
    If the TC wishes to include this new tool as part of the TC's official
    deliverables, I'll gladly donate the intellectual property rights to
    Please test the program and provide feedback.
    Best regards,
    Rodolfo M. Raya 

  • 2.  RE: [xliff] Tool for validating XLIFF files released

    Posted 06-04-2009 14:28
    Hi Rodolfo,
    Great tool! Thanks for doing this. It should help having many tools generating better XLIFF documents.
    A couple of early notes:
    === I get a message "* XLIFF namespace not declared." With the file Test01.xlf. The document has a namespace declaration, it's just
    using one without prefix. (

  • 3.  Re: [xliff] Tool for validating XLIFF files released

    Posted 06-04-2009 15:45
    On Thu, 4 Jun 2009 08:27:11 -0600
    Yves Savourel 

  • 4.  RE: [xliff] Tool for validating XLIFF files released

    Posted 06-04-2009 16:40
    > However, the specs don't say if prefixes are allowed in
    > non-embedded XLIFF files.
    Surely if something is valid XML and not disallowed explicitly by the specification, it means it is allowed.
    For example, nothing in the specification says XML comments are allowed, that does not means an XLIFF document with comments is
    > The TC should decide if "standalone" XLIFF files with prefixes
    > in XLIFF elements are valid.
    It already has decided for the current versions: Nothing forbids it in the specification.
    While, I would be surprised to see many documents using that form, it is a perfectly valid way of using namespace (XSLT does it all
    the time), why in the world would we want to forbid it?

  • 5.  RE: [xliff] Tool for validating XLIFF files released

    Posted 06-04-2009 14:28
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