OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

  • 1.  Re: [office] my requirements

    Posted 03-21-2007 08:24
    Hi David,
    >> The ODF 1.2 numbering should not require a special strategy for an application's counter implementation.
    >Too vague IMHO, or I disagree (details in my previous post).
    As I said --- its kind of hard to explain :-)
    Below is what I wrote to Michael Brauer who also wanted clarification regarding my R5. The key to understanding this is ask when are the counters modified and what start-value information do they have at that time.
    I hope this makes it a little bit clearer. (Sorry that my previous example was broken...).
    >>> David Faure 

  • 2.  Re: [office] my requirements

    Posted 03-21-2007 09:34
    Hi Florian,
    (I'm answering to this mail rather than to the reply to me since you 
    have said that the example in your previous post was broken. Not sure if 
    you meant the post to me, but this one should be correct in any case).
    I can follow to what you write in so far that I do understand that 
    different algorithms lead to different results.
    I'm actually wondering whether an algorithm that outputs a number before 
    evaluating all information that may influence the calculation of that 
    number can ever output the correct result.
    So, I still do not understand what your requirement is? Is it that the 
    calculation of the number shall be independent of any list style 
    information? Which actually is the same as to say a list style must not 
    specify a start value?
    Florian Reuter wrote:
    > Hi David,
    >>> The ODF 1.2 numbering should not require a special strategy for an application's counter implementation.
    >> Too vague IMHO, or I disagree (details in my previous post).
    > As I said --- its kind of hard to explain :-)
    > Below is what I wrote to Michael Brauer who also wanted clarification regarding my R5. The key to understanding this is ask when are the counters modified and what start-value information do they have at that time.
    > I hope this makes it a little bit clearer. (Sorry that my previous example was broken...).
    > ~Florian
    >>>> David Faure 

  • 3.  Re: [office] my requirements

    Posted 03-21-2007 11:13
    On Wednesday 21 March 2007 09:23, Florian Reuter wrote:
    > I hope this makes it a little bit clearer.
    What I don't understand still is if you agree to the following reasoning;
    1) User creates a list in application X and approves of the way that 
    application shows things.
    For example it shows
    1 P1
    1.1 P2
    1.2 P3
    2) User saves the document to ODF and it generates a set of numbered-paragraph 
    style list items.
    3) User loads the document in application Y.
    Now; this application has a different implementation model. This application 
    does the post inc, while the other does the pre-inc. Or visa versa.
    I expect the numbering structure stored in step 2 to be displayed the way 
    application X (in step 1) displayed it.
    Do you agree?
    4) User adds a paragraph  "2 P4" and saves the document to ODF.
    5) I load the file saved in step 4 into app X and expect the displayed list to 
    be the same as when I opened it last time. With all the same numberings. Do 
    you agree?
    Now; if you agree to this, that says little to nothing about the ODF 
    fileformat. Properties and strategies described in the ODF spec are to be 
    mirrored in the application.  If not in the internal part, then in the 
    ODF-importer part.
    If you don't agree to expectations in point 3 and 5, please let us know.
    Thomas Zander