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  • 1.  Groups - XLIFF TC Telelconference added

    Posted 09-06-2010 22:34
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  • 2.  XLIFF TC Telelconference Summary

    Posted 09-07-2010 16:06
    XLIFF TC Teleconference Summary
    Date:  Tuesday, 07 September 2010
    Time:  11:00am - 12:00pm ET
    === 1/ Roll call
    Present: Asgeir, Yves, Bryan, Andrew, Lucia, Dimitra, Christian, Rodolfo, Peter, David
    Regrets: Arle
    === 2/ Approve Tuesday, 17 August 2010 meeting minutes:
    Bryan moves to accept the minutes
    Asgeir seconds.
    No dissent.
    === 3.1. Updates on the 1st International XLIFF Symposium
    Program confirmed. All presenters confirmed.
    Face-to-face: Day before the symposium, 6pm to 8pm
    Bryan: 2 possible types of meeting:
    a) PR-type meeting. But not ok with OASIS rules (it would be just a meeting, not a TC one)
    b) close-doors official TC meeting.
    Probably b) since it's before the symposium
    Dimitra: advertised as for TC members for now
    Concern to not have the input we would get after the symposium
    Rodolfo: will we be able to join?
    Dimitra: yes we should. Will try with Yves before.
    Rodolfo: for presentations during the symposium?
    Dimitra: yes I'll try with Rodolfo by email 
    Bryan: can take time off the keynotes if needed.
    We should be ok.
    Dimitra: so we leave the times as it is.
    Lucia: dinner: do we want a dinner after the symposium (~Euro25)?
    Bryan: dinner is listed no?
    Dimitra: we will need to have an extra registration for this.
    We had "speed-dating" last conference.
    Ok: so we will have the dinner.
    Bryan: don't forget the spouses (or should it be business only?)
    Dimitra: no, for all.
    Lucia: proceedings. Options to make printed/digital
    Bryan: both sound good.
    Christian: will it be in addition to online proceedings?
    Or do we have plan to make the proceedings available to all.
    Dimitra: yes, PDF to download.
    Lucia: will discuss with David about panel
    Rodolfo: may be able to record the demo and panel?
    Dimitra: we put them in YouTube
    === 3.2 Move our spec into Docbook
    Bryan: I've started. No deliverable yet.
    === 4. XLIFF as an ISO standard (Peter)
    Peter: 4-5 years ago Prof Buden approached Tony and I for this. No ready for this at the time.
    Since LISA and ISO have worked together.
    Got also member of the TC-37: understand better how it works now.
    Issue of XLIFF as an ISO standard was raised.
    Advantages: more credibility, more users.
    All the work would be in the OASIS TC. ISO is not trying to "take over".
    The way to do this:
    - TC to agree
    - Interoperability events (like XLIFF symposium)
    - seems no issues from the OASIS side
    - ISO side: need liaison between TC-37 and XLIFF TC. Kara is the chair of TC-37 and would like this done.
    Peter would be happy to be that liaison.
    Bryan: could you define what TC-37 is?
    Peter: translation/terminology/etc. collection of committees for language-related "stuff".
    4 sub-committees.
    Bryan: ISO standards not free: any conflicts?
    Peter: OAIS as already 2 standards that are ISO also. Same for TBX. One free not the other, both the same.
    Rodolfo: yes, no problem (from LISA experience)
    It's the same document content. Comply with one is complying with both. Difference in presentation/header only.
    Bryan: any different conformance criteria?
    Rodolfo: no, same conformance. Same document content, just the front page is different.
    Peter: was it about conformance testing?
    Clauses/content would be the same as Rodolfo noted.
    Rodolfo: for what version? 1.2 or 2.0?
    Peter: ISO would be willing to use only official OASIS, so either possibly.
    Dimitra: may take years?
    Peter: could be fast-tracked.
    Rodolfo: TBX was on fast-track and took 1 year
    Peter: should be faster now, but yes it could take a while. Could be faster than TBX.
    Speed was an item the TC-37 noted.
    Rodolfo: SRX is still on the fast track.
    Bryan: we may want to consider the time lag and try for 2.0, otherwise 1.2 may become ISO std when 2.0 become OASIS std.
    Lucia: What about MLIF?
    Peter: MLIF is developed within ISO.
    Note that 1.2 was long to get to std status in OASIS.
    Std should be in-synch.
    OASIS is not very fast either.
    Bryan: agree.
    XLIFF as ISO would be great. We just want to make sure to look at all the impacts.
    So latest version would be better.
    Rodolfo: we could say "XLIFF should be compliant with latest version of *OASIS* version"
    Peter: it should be possible to fast-track, it's just validating the std, not developing it.
    Rodolfo: was asking because of the errata.
    Peter: may just be simpler to plan for 2.0
    Interoperability event has to happen after the std is published as OASIS std.
    Peter: anyone thing it may be negative?
    None do.
    Bryan: interoperability event: not sure about the impact.
    Peter: neither am I
    Bryan: so we need:
    a) get the TC to agree, and b) the interoperability event.
    Peter: and the liaison.
    Bryan: can we do a vote today, or do we need more time?
    Rodolfo: we can only vote on the work item, not what version, etc. (need more details)
    Peter: that's fine for now.
    Rodolfo: Call for a vote about accepting the possibility to have XLIFF as an ISO std.
    Bryan: Seconds
    Yes unanimous
    David: what is the requirement for the interoperability event?
    Peter: will look into it
    Rodolfo: basically needs endorsement from OASIS members
    Peter: I'll be at the symposium
    === XLIFF simplification/modularization:
    Bryan: we'll discuss simplify model next meeting.
    It would be great if you would provide additional help for preparing the panel on "Modular and minimal XLIFF" by commenting on:
    Dimitra: suggest to answer that email.
    - meeting adjourned.