OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

  • 1.  Status of the delegation profile

    Posted 08-27-2014 09:05
    All, Regarding the status of the delegation profile and the various technical issues, here are my opinions. Based on Axiomatics' customer experience, I can say that there is no interest for this profile on the market. We had some early customers who were doing research type of work and they were interested in the profile. Some of these uses were research projects at the Swedish Institute of Computer Science, where I used to work, and some early customers to Axiomatics. However, in the commercial market since then, there appears to be no interest in it. Also, you can solve these kind of use cases by using policy references and the right policy structure, and just letting different people edit different parts of the policy tree. So, after some thinking based on what I see on the market, I would suggest that we discontinue the development of this profile. If there is still interest, I would like someone else take over the editorial duties, since it is not something I want to spend my time on. Best regards, Erik

  • 2.  RE: [xacml] Status of the delegation profile

    Posted 09-04-2014 18:18
    On the one hand, I can't help but agree with Erik's assessment. When work started on this profile we knew there was no real demand from most organizations, but I for one hoped it would develop over time once use of XACML became more widespread and usecases became more complex. Clearly this work is not as high priority right now as other current Profiles, such as the REST, JSON and ALFA work. Even in terms of Steven's time, I would rather see him wrap up Related & Nested before tackling this. On the other hand, given the work put into this I would like to bring it to a point of usefulness. I expect the world to need this eventually and I would like to have it ready to go. I also have some interest in using it in conjunction with OAuth. Therefore I propose to at least resolve the issues raised by Steven and me and if we achieve some consensus about changes, I will act as Editor. I hope to have the help of Erik and Steven (and everybody else) to get the details right. Hal >