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Subject: Re: [ubl] Re: [ubl-clsc] Groups - wd-ublclsc-codelist-20040414.doc uploaded
just a few last minute suggestions (if you still want them)...
1. consider incorporating the relevant [R*] rules with the NDR CDL rules
- that is either show the connections or define them once here and have
NDR refer to them. otherwise we get overlap and duplication.
2. section 3.1 the table for data model definition. in the first column
"CCT" the CCT for "Content" should be "Code. Content" and the CCT for
CodeName should be "Code. Name. Text".
3. section 3.2 the table for supplementary components.
- the property term for CodeListNamespacePrefixID is "Namespace Prefix"
not "Identifier"
- neither CodeListDescription nor CodeListCredits have a CCT so they
should be "N/A" in the CCT column
4. in section 4 the first diagram has been updated in the documentation
5. section 4.2 supplemntary components mapping. the complex type
attribute mapping datatypes are not correct, as follows:
CodeListName should be xs:string not xs:normalizedString
CodeListAgencyName should be xs:string not xs:normalizedString
CodeListURI should be xs:anyURI not xs:normalizedString
CodeListSchemeURI should be xs:anyURI not xs:normalizedString
CodeListDescription should be xs:string not xs:normalizedString
CodeListCredits should be xs:string not xs:normalizedString
6. not sure it is important but in section 4.5.1 (Data model and example
values), we should now use the CodeListName as "Currency" not "Currency
and Funds"
7. in section 4.5.3 (Schema file name), we no longer have the word
"-Use-" in the filename. i suggest dropping the "draft" as well. so it
may be better as:
8. throughout section 4.5.3.* it may be worthwhile to cut and paste
actual UBL 1.0 schema fragments into the samples (some are inccorect
becasue of earlier comments)... the schema we want is at
9. contributors - my name is spelt McGrath not Mcgrath (try stating
that in camelcase).
G. Ken Holman wrote:
> I've posted the PDF rendition of this without changes as a revision of
> this word document. This document has general public read permissions:
> Access to the Word rendition with the reviewer markup is still
> available through the original links copied below.
> ....................... Ken
> At 2004-04-14 11:07 +0000, wrote:
>> The document wd-ublclsc-codelist-20040414.doc has been submitted by
>> Martin Burns ( to the UBL Code List SC document
>> repository.
>> Document Description:
>> All,
>> The attached version has incorporated suggested modifications and
>> corrections since the previous version.
>> Marty Burns
>> Download Document:
>> View Document Details:
>> PLEASE NOTE: If the above links do not work for you, your email
>> application
>> may be breaking the link into two pieces. You may be able to copy
>> and paste
>> the entire link address into the address field of your web browser.
> --
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> G. Ken Holman
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