• 1.  DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Agenda - 25 March 2009

    Posted 03-25-2009 15:22
    DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Agenda: 25 March 2009
    The DocBook Technical Committee will meet on Wednesday,
    25 March 2009 at 1:00p EDT (10:00a PDT, 17:00GMT,
    18:00BST, 19:00CEST, 02:00JST+, 11:30p India+) for 90
    NOTE ON MEETING TIME: The USA and Canada switched to
    Daylight Savings Time on 8 March, but Europe switches
    on 29 March and Israel on 27 March.
    The meeting time is 17:00GMT for everyone, so please
    check your time.
    Attendance at teleconferences is restricted to members
    (and prospective members) of the committee.
    This is the phone number for Wednesday's DocBook TC call:
    Phone: +1-719-387-5556
     Code: 902213
    The DocBook TC uses the #docbook IRC channel on
    irc.freenode.org.  The IRC channel is used for exchanging
    URIs, providing out-of-band comments, and other aspects
    of the teleconference, so please join us there if at
    all possible.
    1. Roll call
    2. Accepting the minutes [1] of the previous meeting.
    3. Next meeting: 18 February 2009
    4. Review of the agenda.
    5. Review of open action items
      a. Bob to organize TDG reading after names are fixed.
      b. Norm to write up a backwards compatibility policy document.
      c. Norm to incorporate group parameter change (RFE 1998852) into the 
         for 5.1.
      d. Norm to ask mailing list about 'rep' on methodparam.
      e. Norm to update OASIS site for 5.0 spec and schema.
      f. Norm to update spec to include public and system identifiers
         for the 5.0 DTD version.
      g. Jirka to add schema comparison table to DocBook 5.0 Transition Guide.
      h. Norm to add floatstyle attribute to sidebar for 5.1.
      i. Norm to write up proposed content model for initializer.
      j. Norm to add subtitle to sidebar for 5.1.
      k. Dick to incorporate the final charter changes and send out for 
      l. Norm to determine OASIS requirements for charter updates.
      m. Norm to solicit for a third DocBook 5 user again.
    6.  DocBook TC charter review.
    7.  DocBook 5.0 standards update
    8.  Policy for backwards compatible changes (Norm).
    9.  Publishing Subcommittee report (Scott).
    10. Using a map for modular DocBook (Dick and Jim).
    11.  Review of Requests for Enhancement
        To browse a specific RFE, enter the URL (on one line):
        RFEs to be considered
          1097183  Allow Task as a sibling of sections
          1679665  Add better support for modular documentation
          1722935  DocBook 5: Adding proofreader in @class for othercredit?
          1770787  Rename firstname and surname
          1907003  biblioid content model too broad
          2021383  Is 'rep' on methodparam a mistake?
          2100736  initializer should allow constants
    [1] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-tc/200812/msg00007.html
    Bob Stayton
    Sagehill Enterprises

  • 2.  RE: [docbook-tc] DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Agenda - 25 March 2009

    Posted 03-25-2009 17:37
    On point M, I can confirm that Penguin UK have adopted DocBook 5 in
    Relax NG as our XML standard, we did this in mid-2007.
    Penguin Books are a Pearson Company who are Oasis members at a
    Contributor level.
    Let me know if you need any further information, testimonial etc.
    Project Manager for Conversion and Archiving
    Content Management Programme
    Penguin Group (UK)
    80 Strand, London, WC2R 0RL
    Phone: +44 (0)20 7010 4134
    E-mail: richard.kwan@uk.penguingroup.com