UBL Naming and Design Rules SC

[ubl-ndrsc] Minutes for 6 February 2002 UBL NDR meeting

  • 1.  [ubl-ndrsc] Minutes for 6 February 2002 UBL NDR meeting

    Posted 02-08-2002 12:22
    Thanks to Mark for chairing the meeting and taking the minutes!
    Eduardo, please note the ACTION below that the SC hoped you would take 
    on.  Can you positively acknowledge this?
    Mike, are you able to take an action to revise the code list position paper 
    to reflect the additional issues that have been raised so far on the list 
    and in the recent calls?
    We need to make sure our position papers etc. are kept up to 
    date.  Otherwise, our decisions won't mean anything to people who are not 
    on the SC...
    Call convened by Mark Crawford at 11:00 EST on 6 February 2002.
    1. Roll call (till x:05)
        Bill Burcham       No
        Doug Bunting       No (note: has dropped off the NDR SC)
        Dave Carlson       No
        Mavis Cournane     Yes
        Mark Crawford      Yes
        Fabrice Desr�      Yes
        John Dumay         No
        Matt Gertner       No
        Arofan Gregory     Yes
        Phil Griffin       Yes (left at y:40)
        Eduardo Gutentag   Yes (x:09) (left at y:??)
        Eve Maler          No
        Dale McKay         Yes
        Joe Moeller        No
        Sue Probert        Yes
        Ron Schuldt        Yes
        Gunther Stuhec     Yes
        Mike Rawlins       Yes (feft at x:43)
        Paul Thorpe        Yes
        Quorum reached.
    2. Acceptance of minutes of previous meetings (till x:06)
         23-25 January 2002 F2F:
         30 January 2002 telecon:
         Both adopted.
    3. Adoption of agenda (till x:07)
        Adopted as amended (added new item #8).
    4. Action item review (till x:09)
        ACTION: Mark to update tag structure position paper.
        Status: Pending.
        ACTION: Sue and Maryann to do some use case brainstorming offline.
        Status: Pending.
        ACTION: Bill and Mavis to champion the URI/URN issue and determine an
        Status: Mavis has done research.  Bill incorporating into document
        and should be done shortly.
        ACTION: Everyone to critique modnamver UML diagram.
        Status: All to review diagram this week and provide feedback by email
        before next week's call.
        ACTION: Arofan, Tim, and Lisa to develop example based on current
        thinking in library group and leveraging NDR stuff to see if it can
        work. Anticipate certain part of the example will be ready for F2F
        presentation.  (Was this about modnamver?)
        Status:  January F2F has obsolesced original effort.  Arofan is
        working on new version based on F2F and LSC input.  Working with
        Gunter to incorporate into tools group and code.  Should have by end
        of this week.
        ACTION: Namespace issues need to be raised to library committee for
        joint resolution.  (Needs owner.)
        Status: Ron to contact Eve to clarify what action is.
        ACTION: Gunther will finish some modifications to the elements vs.
        attributes position paper and will post it by January 31.
        Status:  Posted 2/5/02.
    5. Planning for March 11 deadline (till x:30)
         - Feb 6:        Start code lists, start elements vs. attributes
         - Feb 7-13:     Finish tag structure/data dictionary issues and code
         - Feb 14-20:    Finish elements vs. attributes and Empty Elements
         - Feb 21-27:    extension and MODNAMVER and Top Level Element Naming
         - Feb 28-Mar 6: Qualified vs unqualified and Name/Type Sharing
         - Mar 7-9:      Final NDR document/position paper edits
    6. Code list discussion (till y:15)
        Position paper is at:
        What (very roughly) are our use cases driving our choice of
        solutions? See this message for two alternative views:
        What are our requirements around these areas, and in each case, do
        internal vs. external code lists have different requirements?
        - Should we support enumerated code lists
        o seems to be general agreement that we support enumeration of some
          sort, with some consensus that lists would be in separate
        - Validation of code list values through XSD vs. by other means
        o some discussion, but no clear resolution.  Must provide a minimum
          level of validation at server level, if parsed, option to validate
          only that it is a member of an enumerated list, or custom code.
          Application validation bears the bulk.  Can't do this on field by
          field basis.
        - Efficiency of expression in the instance
        o Open for further discussion
        - Extensibility of code lists and when it is allowed/disallowed
        o Belong to context group. No disagreement to allow extensibility.
          Context group needs make provisions for this.
        - Subsetting of code lists
        o Belongs to context group.  No disagreement to allow subsetting of
          code lists. context group needs to make provisions for this.
        ACTION: Arofan to liaise with the CMSC on the issue of code list
        extensibility and subsetting.
        - Inclusion of dynamic sets of code list values
        o Arofan proposal for separate namespace supports this. Needs
          further consideration.
        - Identifying, documenting, and versioning the code list used
        o See below.
        - Combining values from internal and external code lists
        o Maybe handled by custom code list.  Can't be "and", must be
          either/or. Tied into customization decision.
        Additional discussion points:
        o Should we offer full blown validation through schema, but also
          enable subsetting validation at the application level
        o Always the option to support EDI concept of ZZ-Any
        o Concern that we cannot do proper subsetting on just a string
          without being overly complicated and error prone
        o One type of usage in a code list when the encoded data is simply
          information passed on to the application.  Another class of usage
          when the business application keeps track of inventory in units of
          each, and I have customers who order by case, I do conversion
          routine from unit of 1 to number of case so value of code must be
          validated to ensure accuracy and application supportability. One
          person thinks that if we do validation, then we can't do strings.
        o If you are going to ask why validate codes - then why validate
          anything.  On the other hand, many in EDI simply turn off code
          validation capabilities at the server level.
        o Versioning is issue.  Possibility is to put enumerated code lists
          in separate namespace that does not have versioning.  Application
          could validate on version of the namespace.  Code lists would have
          to be taken from other owner lists as well as those developed by
          UBL and turned into enumerated lists.  Who would pay for this
          work, and who would maintain this work?  The namespace would not
          provide the versioning mechanism (different than our namespace
          versioning decision), the enumerated list is versioned.  Whose
          codes do we use? Combination per xCBL (EDIFACT and X12).  Much
          discussion on cost and workload and impact on SME's.  Much
          discussion on what all needs to be done to support concept.
          Possibility to work with CRM TC. Arofan believes that we can
          maintain with minimal effort through leveraging work of X12 and
          EDIFACT and ISO and others.  Also if we allow customized code
          lists then it will give users flexibility.
        o Arofan envisions fewer code lists in UBL than in EDI because you
          don't need to use codes to explain what you mean in every
        o Need permanent group to manage code lists.
        Stopped discussion at y:21.
    7. Element vs. attribute discussion (till y:50)
        Position paper is at:
        It seems that this decision has a "taste" component as well as sound
        technical rationales.  Nonetheless, what are the requirements
        - Extensibility
        o argument that attribute/element pairs is cleaner than containers
          for paired elements
        o Point that if multiple attributes and there are hierarchical
          requirements, the use of attributes breaks this.
        - Instance readability
        o Gunther believes codes as attributes are more readable
        o Eduardo believes value judgment
        o Mark, Arofan, and Matt don't agree.
        - Semantic clarity (compatibility with the data dictionary
        o Arofan does not believe any difference.
        o Eduardo says there is more control of elements.
        o Mark argues attributes are not as clear.
        - Additional discussion:
        o Question - Are we naive that CCT table and its properties are
          always one to one. Answer - Don't believe there is/will be a one
          to one.
        o Gunter has articulated some set of rules for specific attributes
          to be used.
        o Dale believes that use of attributes at leaf precludes looping.
        o Point made that use of attributes precludes extension.  I.E.
          Boolean used as attribute only enables yes or no, not maybe.
        o Architectures may be special case where values in attributes
          support accessibility.
        o Everyone agreed that if we did decide to use attributes at some
          level, we provide specific instances/restrictions where they would
          be allowed.
        o No disagreement that UID's as attributes would be useful
        o No disagreement that presentation type attributes i.e.
          accessibility would be useful
        o No disagreement that document level attributes would be useful
        o Generally no disagreement that using attributes at the leaf level
          to restrict extension would be useful.  However many reserve
          judgment on this.
        o Lot of contention around proposal to use attributes at leaf level
          to contain supporting properties. Need to have group review
          Gunter's latest paper re this, and need champion to build examples
          arguing against.
        ACTION: Ask Eduardo to create a proposal for using attributes at the
        leaf level.
        Finished at y:47.
    8. Discuss Library Spreadsheet (New agenda item)
        Library subcommittee noticed discrepancy in use of naming rules. They
        believe we have not provided details.  Also concern about need for
        separators between name parts.
        ACTION: Arofan, Gunter and Ron and Sue to look at LCSC spreadsheet to
        determine source of LCSC's concern about naming rules.
    9. Action items and next steps (till y:59)
        Not addressed.
    10. Adjourn (z:00)
    Eve Maler                                    +1 781 442 3190
    Sun Microsystems XML Technology Center   eve.maler @ sun.com