OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

  • 1.  FW: [office] Discussion Requested - Version Identification at the Feature Level

    Posted 10-13-2008 15:48
    I request discussion of this proposal on the next (October 20) TC Coordination Call 
    If there are other things I should do beyond making the proposal in e-mail (Wiki, document storage), please let me know and I will do that also.  It is time I learned.
     - Dennis

  • 2.  Re: FW: [office] Discussion Requested - Version Identification at theFeature Level

    Posted 10-13-2008 18:37
    I agree that this would be useful to have.   I wonder if we could do 
    something like what we have in Appendix D 'Core Feature Sets' ?  In other 
    words, list all of the section/subsection numbers along with what version 
    ODF introduced or substantially changed that feature.
    The assumption is that new features are introduced into new subsections. 
    This may be a bad assumption.
    "Dennis E. Hamilton" 

  • 3.  RE: FW: [office] Discussion Requested - Version Identification at the Feature Level

    Posted 10-14-2008 21:53
    I'm thinking this over.
    I agree with Michael's observation that this is non-normative information.
    I find it awkward that it not be with the information in the main text in
    some way, just to make sure it is maintained accurately, but I suppose one
    could live with a non-normative catalog of sorts.
    In terms of matching the Table-of-Contents (TOC) structure, it would be
    helpful if the TOC numbered all the way down (or at least that sections were
    numbered all the way down, whether the TOC goes all the way or not), so that
    cross-referencing could work.  This would be for cross-reference into the
    normative text, but not the reverse.  (I can't wait for a version of OO.o or
    Word 2007 -- whichever one comes first -- that permit backing up through a
    path of followed links.)
    In the ODF 1.0/1.1 Documents, attributes are specified in conjunction with
    the elements that have them.  That makes this kind of version identification
    fairly easy, based off the TOC (deepened as necessary for accurate
    cross-reference and identification of the relevant descriptions).
    In the ODF 1.2 organization, this is more problematic because attribute
    definitions are factored out so that all hononymic usages have to be
    explained in a single place (and should be backlinked to the relevant
    element descriptions in a more fine-grained way, potentially).  
    I am not sure how well the 1.2 organization lends itself to version
    tracking.  I don't want to rule that out, but I think it takes something
    more in the way the homonymic usages are specified.  It is probably a
    something more that we already need.
    Let's keep kicking this around. 
     - Dennis