OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

  • 1.  OpenDocument TC meeting minutes 2010-01-18

    Posted 01-18-2010 18:32
    OpenDocument TC meeting minutes 2010-01-18
    * Begin 9:35 EST
    * Rollcall
    +Andreas Guelzow
    +Cherie Ekholm
    +David Wheeler
    +Dennis Hamilton
    +Donald Harbison
    Doug Schepers
    +Eike Rathke
    +Eric Patterson
    Hideki Hiura
    +Jomar Silva
    +Michael Brauer
    +MingFei Jia
    +Oliver-Rainer Wittmann
    +Patrick Durusau
    +Rob Weir (presiding)
    *Svante Schubert
    +Thorsten Behrens 
    Voting Members are indicated with a + before their name, Persistent 
    Non-Voting members with an *.
    - 15 of 17 voting members (88%) were in attendance, so quorum requirements 
    were met.
    - Membership notes: Doug Schepers gains voting rights and Peter Junge 
    loses voting rights at the adjournment of today's meeting.
    * Posted agenda was approved by unanimous consent.
    * Minutes of the December 21st meeting, as corrected by Michael, were 
    approved by unanimous consent.
    * Discussion: ODF 1.2
    - Public review for ODF 1.2 Part 3 has ended.  40 comments received. This 
    can be found in JIRA as those which are classified with the affects 
    version of "ODF 1.2 Part 3 CD1". Michael has started to resolve the issues 
    Next step is to prepare a new CD for Part 3, with change tracking enabled 
    to show the changes made.  At that point the TC may send the changed 
    version out for an additional 15-day review, or hold on to it and send it 
    out for a 60 day review along with the other two parts.
    - Public review for Part 1 has been requested, not not yet started. 
    Michael has asked Mary for an update.
    - David reports that the OpenFormula SC continues to meet weekly to 
    resolve the remaining formula issues.  Rob pointed out that OpenFormula 
    will be on the critical path for the schedule if it is not ready for 
    public review by mid-April.
    Patrick will upload the latest draft of OpenFormula.  Michael has uploaded 
    proposed conformance clause language which should meet OASIS requirements.
    * Discussion: ODF 1.0 maintenance
    - Rob reminded the TC of the ballot to approve the "submission request" of 
    ODF 1.1 to JTC1.  This is a "special majority" ballot, so it is important 
    that all eligible TC members vote.  An abstention is counted the same as a 
    No vote.
    - Svante reported that he is working on responses to the SC34 defect 
    reports.  Rob suggested that it would be good to have even a draft 
    response ready by February 12th, so we could approve it and send it to 
    SC34 in time to be on their WG6 meeting agenda.  At the same time we can 
    discuss with them options for staging the errata/corrigenda work with the 
    ODF 1.1 amendment.
    * Adjourned 10:13 EST

  • 2.  RE: [office] OpenDocument TC meeting minutes 2010-01-18

    Posted 01-18-2010 19:40
    Hideki Hiura became a Voting Member as of the conclusion of the 2010-01-11
    meeting and was a Voting Member at today's meeting.  (He was therefore a
    Voting Member for the current ballot and it reflects that.)
    Although it is what you said during the call, it is more accurate, under "*
    Discussion: ODF 1.0 maintenance", to say "An abstention does not reduce the
    number of Ayes required to approve the motion."  It seems that Nayes are
    quite different than abstentions, since they can overcome a special majority
    even when the special majority is achieved.
     - Dennis

  • 3.  RE: [office] OpenDocument TC meeting minutes 2010-01-18

    Posted 01-18-2010 19:53
    "Dennis E. Hamilton" 

  • 4.  Re: [office] OpenDocument TC meeting minutes 2010-01-18

    Posted 01-18-2010 22:44
    > From: robert_weir@us.ibm.com
    > I'm more concerned with voting members neglecting to vote at all.
    While ISO rule requires 
          "1/2(or 2/3) majority of votes cast by the P-members of the TC", 
    OASIS rule requires
          "1/2(or 2/3) majority of voting members of the TC"
    which means that the actual effect of "not casting vote" is identical 
    to "casting vote negatively" in OASIS. I surely share your concern.
    Best Regards,
    Hideki Hiura
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