OASIS Emergency Management TC

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  • 1.  Informal call for participation: EDXL-TEP

    Posted 07-29-2010 14:11

    To the OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee:

    On the EM-TC meeting July 20, I proposed we lay out a list of commitments / activities in order to help determine approach and timing to engage the work for the EDXL-Tracking of Emergency Patients standard.   Little feedback was received about that suggestion, so I would respectfully ask and propose the following:

    ·         Please reply to this message if you wish to directly participate in the sub-committee developing EDXL-TEP

    ·         Once received, directly engage those interested parties to determine current commitments and timing to engage TEP.  At that time the group will organize and look at further outreach to address appropriate subject matter expertise and external coordination

    Elysa, on the next TC call I would like to propose 2 agenda items:

    ·         Status this request

    ·         Determine need/desire for webinar(s) to the general TC, to inform as a whole and further drive participation (overview the objectives, scope, use cases and draft TEP design). 

    ·         Finalize where the EDXL-TEP work will take place


    Tim Grapes


  • 2.  RE: [emergency] Informal call for participation: EDXL-TEP

    Posted 07-29-2010 16:34

    Hey Tim,

    I’d like to participate in the TEP group.


    From: Timothy Grapes [mailto:tgrapes@evotecinc.com]
    Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2010 7:10 AM
    To: emergency@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: [emergency] Informal call for participation: EDXL-TEP

    To the OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee:

    On the EM-TC meeting July 20, I proposed we lay out a list of commitments / activities in order to help determine approach and timing to engage the work for the EDXL-Tracking of Emergency Patients standard.   Little feedback was received about that suggestion, so I would respectfully ask and propose the following:

    ·         Please reply to this message if you wish to directly participate in the sub-committee developing EDXL-TEP

    ·         Once received, directly engage those interested parties to determine current commitments and timing to engage TEP.  At that time the group will organize and look at further outreach to address appropriate subject matter expertise and external coordination

    Elysa, on the next TC call I would like to propose 2 agenda items:

    ·         Status this request

    ·         Determine need/desire for webinar(s) to the general TC, to inform as a whole and further drive participation (overview the objectives, scope, use cases and draft TEP design). 

    ·         Finalize where the EDXL-TEP work will take place


    Tim Grapes


  • 3.  Re: [emergency] Informal call for participation: EDXL-TEP

    Posted 07-29-2010 16:53
    So would I...

    Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

    From: "Rob Torchon" <rtorchon@yahoo.com>
    Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2010 09:33:06 -0700
    Subject: RE: [emergency] Informal call for participation: EDXL-TEP

    Hey Tim,

    I’d like to participate in the TEP group.


    From: Timothy Grapes [mailto:tgrapes@evotecinc.com]
    Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2010 7:10 AM
    To: emergency@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: [emergency] Informal call for participation: EDXL-TEP

    To the OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee:

    On the EM-TC meeting July 20, I proposed we lay out a list of commitments / activities in order to help determine approach and timing to engage the work for the EDXL-Tracking of Emergency Patients standard.   Little feedback was received about that suggestion, so I would respectfully ask and propose the following:

    ·         Please reply to this message if you wish to directly participate in the sub-committee developing EDXL-TEP

    ·         Once received, directly engage those interested parties to determine current commitments and timing to engage TEP.  At that time the group will organize and look at further outreach to address appropriate subject matter expertise and external coordination

    Elysa, on the next TC call I would like to propose 2 agenda items:

    ·         Status this request

    ·         Determine need/desire for webinar(s) to the general TC, to inform as a whole and further drive participation (overview the objectives, scope, use cases and draft TEP design). 

    ·         Finalize where the EDXL-TEP work will take place


    Tim Grapes


  • 4.  Re: [emergency] Informal call for participation: EDXL-TEP

    Posted 07-30-2010 00:21
    Me too :)

    Cheers Gav

    On 2010-07-30, at 04:52 , Tom Ferrentino wrote:

    So would I...

    Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

    From: "Rob Torchon" <rtorchon@yahoo.com>
    Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2010 09:33:06 -0700
    Subject: RE: [emergency] Informal call for participation: EDXL-TEP

    Hey Tim,
    I’d like to participate in the TEP group.
    From: Timothy Grapes [mailto:tgrapes@evotecinc.com] 
    Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2010 7:10 AM
    To: emergency@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: [emergency] Informal call for participation: EDXL-TEP
    To the OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee:
    On the EM-TC meeting July 20, I proposed we lay out a list of commitments / activities in order to help determine approach and timing to engage the work for the EDXL-Tracking of Emergency Patients standard.   Little feedback was received about that suggestion, so I would respectfully ask and propose the following:
    ·         Please reply to this message if you wish to directly participate in the sub-committee developing EDXL-TEP
    ·         Once received, directly engage those interested parties to determine current commitments and timing to engage TEP.  At that time the group will organize and look at further outreach to address appropriate subject matter expertise and external coordination
    Elysa, on the next TC call I would like to propose 2 agenda items:
    ·         Status this request
    ·         Determine need/desire for webinar(s) to the general TC, to inform as a whole and further drive participation (overview the objectives, scope, use cases and draft TEP design). 
    ·         Finalize where the EDXL-TEP work will take place
    Tim Grapes

  • 5.  Re: [emergency] Informal call for participation: EDXL-TEP

    Posted 07-29-2010 23:19
    Count me in, Tim,
    Timothy Grapes wrote:
    > To the OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee:
    > On the EM-TC meeting July 20, I proposed we lay out a list of 
    > commitments / activities in order to help determine approach and 
    > timing to engage the work for the EDXL-Tracking of Emergency Patients 
    > standard.   Little feedback was received about that suggestion, so I 
    > would respectfully ask and propose the following:
    > ·         Please reply to this message if you wish to directly 
    > participate in the sub-committee developing EDXL-TEP
    > ·         Once received, directly engage those interested parties to 
    > determine current commitments and timing to engage TEP.  At that time 
    > the group will organize and look at further outreach to address 
    > appropriate subject matter expertise and external coordination
    > Elysa, on the next TC call I would like to propose 2 agenda items:
    > ·         Status this request
    > ·         Determine need/desire for webinar(s) to the general TC, to 
    > inform as a whole and further drive participation (overview the 
    > objectives, scope, use cases and draft TEP design). 
    > ·         Finalize where the EDXL-TEP work will take place
    > */Thanks,/**//*
    > */Tim Grapes/*
    > */Evotec/*
    Rex Brooks
    President, CEO
    Starbourne Communications Design
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    Berkeley, CA 94702
    Tel: 510-898-0670