Count me in, Tim,
Timothy Grapes wrote:
> To the OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee:
> On the EM-TC meeting July 20, I proposed we lay out a list of
> commitments / activities in order to help determine approach and
> timing to engage the work for the EDXL-Tracking of Emergency Patients
> standard. Little feedback was received about that suggestion, so I
> would respectfully ask and propose the following:
> · Please reply to this message if you wish to directly
> participate in the sub-committee developing EDXL-TEP
> · Once received, directly engage those interested parties to
> determine current commitments and timing to engage TEP. At that time
> the group will organize and look at further outreach to address
> appropriate subject matter expertise and external coordination
> Elysa, on the next TC call I would like to propose 2 agenda items:
> · Status this request
> · Determine need/desire for webinar(s) to the general TC, to
> inform as a whole and further drive participation (overview the
> objectives, scope, use cases and draft TEP design).
> · Finalize where the EDXL-TEP work will take place
> */Thanks,/**//*
> */Tim Grapes/*
> */Evotec/*
Rex Brooks
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Starbourne Communications Design
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