OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

Note about the current "Namespace in modules" ballot

  • 1.  Note about the current "Namespace in modules" ballot

    Posted 11-15-2012 14:34
    Hello, Please note there was a minor malfunction with the rendering of the text in the ballot as it was distributed. Kavi deleted the strings "<source>" and "<target>" from the text of the ballot. As Fredrik observed: “Modules can generally be placed in locations that are not extension points, with some restrictions, for example module elements are not allowed inside or elements.” should be: “Modules can generally be placed in locations that are not extension points, with some restrictions, for example module elements are not allowed inside <source> or <target> elements.” If this impacts a vote you've already cast, you are free to update your vote. We feel this is a minor thing, and that with the clarification stated in this note, the ballot is fine to continue. Anybody who disagrees is free to voice an objection, either on the mailing list or at the next TC call. Thanks, Bryan