OASIS Web Services Interactive Applications TC

Re: [wsia] Fwd: RE: potential users of web services

  • 1.  Re: [wsia] Fwd: RE: potential users of web services

    Posted 04-04-2002 16:09
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    Subject: Re: [wsia] Fwd: RE: potential users of web services

    Thanks Sean,
    It's good having a wake up call. Right now I'd settle for just having 
    something that tones down the hype. Maybe WS-I could take on that 
    task. I think we'd better plan on having an education subcommittee 
    timed for when we push the first set of specs out the door. Until 
    then, even with a working draft for requirements, we are just going 
    to invite more hype and less understanding, whereas WS-I, as the 
    conformance testing and educational entity they have set themselves 
    up to be, ought to be in the right position to handle that function 
    until we have some specifications to discuss.
    At 12:14 PM -0800 4/4/02, Sean Fitts wrote:
    >FYI, thought the folks on this list would be interested in the post below.
    >I took the liberty of responding and directing folks to the WSIA web site.
    >As an aside, the comments below show the degree of education work
    >that we are going to need to do.  Anne is very knowledgeable and well
    >respected in the web services community.  I'd say her description of
    >what web services are and how UI relates to them is the current main-
    >stream opinion.
    >>Delivered-To: crossweave.com-sean@crossweave.com
    >>Resent-Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 14:04:25 -0500 (EST)
    >>From: "Anne Thomas Manes" <anne@manes.net>
    >>To: <thomi@di.uoa.gr>, <www-ws@w3.org>
    >>Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 14:04:30 -0500
    >>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook IMO, Build 9.0.2416 (9.0.2911.0)
    >>Importance: Normal
    >>Subject: RE: potential users of web services
    >>Resent-From: www-ws@w3.org
    >>X-Mailing-List: <www-ws@w3.org> archive/latest/281
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    >>Ask five people the definition of "web service" and you'll get six answers.
    >>I generally describe a web service as a service that communicates over the
    >>web. A service is a component that exposes a programmatic interface. The
    >>service interface must be described; and the service implementation must be
    >>When you relate this abstract definition to current technologies, you can
    >>implement a web service by creating a service that exposes a SOAP interface,
    >>which is described by WSDL, and which is registered in UDDI. But I wouldn't
    >>want to use current technologies to *define* the basic concept. I also don't
    >>think that it's essential to use any of these technologies to create a web
    >>service. I can certainly create a web service using XML-RPC or RosettaNet or
    >>a host of other technologies.
    >>That said, I would concur that web services are intended to be consumed by
    >>applications rather than humans. But keep in mind that a user interface is
    >>an application. If I wanted to arrange food for 500 people for two weeks in
    >>Dubai, I would use a catering application, which in turn uses web services
    >>to find caterers that can provide services in Dubai. The UI isn't the web
    >>service. The UI uses web services to accomplish its work. Hence an ASP page
    >>or HTML form aren't web services, they are an interface to web services.
    >>Best regards,
    >>Anne Thomas Manes
    >>CTO, Systinet