Please see below.
Arvola Chan wrote:
> David:
> I am not sure if we really want to leave the following unchanged in the
> schema:
> 1.
> <import namespace=""
> schemaLocation=""/>
> 2.
> <import
> namespace="" schemaLocation=""/>
> 3.
> <import namespace=""
> schemaLocation=""/>
> With respect to #1 above, please see
> I think we should be referencing the official version of
> xmldsig-core-schema.xsd instead of the snapshot we have been maintaining
> at our web site.
IIRC, there was a problem with the schema available at the time
w/r/t the version of XSD that it leveraged (being different than
that which we were using for v1.0). If the XSD is now compliant with
the REC version of XML Schema, then agreed we should be using the
normative schema published by W3C for dsig-core.
> With respect to #2 above, I am not able to find any official xlink.xsd
> on the W3C web site. We will have to continue to use our own version
> located at our web site unless someone can identify the location for an
> official version of xlink.xsd.
There isn't one:) I've repeatedly pointed this out to colleagues
of mine who were involved in the XLink WG. There are experimental
versions (like ours) floating around, but for our purposes, what
I hacked together is as good as any other (IMO:). We probably want
to relocate this one to our OASIS site just to be sure that it
stays with the rest of our stuff for now.
> With respect to #3 above, please see
> We may want to use "" as the
> schema location since that is the official SOAP 1.1 schema. The only
> potential issue is that the former includes Annotation and you have
> previously mentioned that some parsers used by members of the interop
> team cannot deal with Annotation.
My take would be that we should point to the "official" schema
and let implementations deal with any issues they might have
on their own (e.g. copy and strip out annotations).
> I also notice two minor problems in the References section:
> 1. The correct URL for BPSS should be
> 2. Xlink has been a W3C Recommendation since June 27, 2001. See
> -Arvola