On Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 9:31 AM, Bret Jordan <
Bret_Jordan@symantec.com > wrote: Duncan, I believe you can find this content you are looking for via the OASIS site, url below, in section " Technical Work Produced by the Committee"
https://www.oasis-open.org/ apps/org/workgroup/cti/ Thanks to CTI TC members for keeping the TC Home page current (especially) for references to approved or completed work: " Technical Work Produced by the Committee "
https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=cti#technical Bret, thanks for the other links too... -rcc We also have this site:
https://oasis-open.github.io/ cti-documentation/ John Wunder did this site:
https://johnwunder.github.io/ stix2-docs/?json#introduction And here is a TC list of all of the documents that are approved or being worked on by the TC:
https://docs.google.com/ document/d/1yvqWaPPnPW- 2NiVCLqzRszcx91ffMowfT5MmE9Nsy _w/edit#heading=h.8bbhgdisbmt Please let me know if this helps. Bret From:
cti-stix@lists.oasis-open.org <
cti-stix@lists.oasis-open.org > on behalf of Back, Greg <
gback@mitre.org > Sent: Friday, January 19, 2018 8:12:37 AM To: Duncan;
cti-stix@lists.oasis-open.org Subject: [EXT] Re: [cti-stix] Update links Yes, Duncan, you're absolutely right. I noticed this a couple months ago and created
https://clicktime.symantec. com/a/1/Lb52_ OlbMkRuWQXcTdX95IDscajQ6wFTfvG CTl6Ep7s=?d= 81r6jUm3z4KlQkgBPmDAOGKjxS5hLb mG839uwZ96AbInzC0d72svKcJY7qKd wOf5GlM8RacryX8T860ejrYDrLU6P0 -lMA73wqISDqDQ5H0fby7PYlp- rJVETKLwJfsuVlIBl6sMWsLW6YdbQQ 61fW60XYWJ0SWB76t3HbFq6UMHY9MH _V8Fg10p5fFFc9Mqd_6GYKBZj7x9g_ 6b13kPRXdBTEF2rWgcJ1EyHzqEcRbJ CRFWxuJqq6LRmV_ HlZCJetJG0pAN0P6C3KtYSGszuRA0G PZEmBsAqF5e_JP1GY06nXex04lvlG_ pDBrjRNg6GA3tjImq8am1NPUyJ- BwCrl5uqxqwt6MGSD3tfcSCPAQAWSA nTv3LmvoMGDKGXNesKKdI7ZtX1udhO ODsb4IH5xEvnIlop3_Pf2e5qP_jA% 3D%3D&u=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub. com%2Foasis-open%2Fcti- documentation%2Fissues%2F47 . We haven't had a chance to fix it, but if you're interested, I'd gladly merge a Pull Request that makes that change. In terms of OASIS and SEO, I'd want to get more information/advice from OASIS staff, but I'm happy to help implement anything on the documentation site based on their suggestions. Thanks, Greg On 2018-01-19, 08:18, "
cti-stix@lists.oasis-open.org on behalf of Duncan" <
cti-stix@lists.oasis-open.org on behalf of
duncan@sfractal.com > wrote: Apologies if this is already on a to-do list or if it opens a can of worms already argued and resolved. I went to go look something up in STIX on a device I don’t normally use so had to find it ‘from scratch’. I google searched and all the top items were ads from STIX vendors, which may be a good thing but from OASIS viewpoint you may want to consider doing something to get moved up the list when people actually want to find the standard. I clicked on the highest non-vendor link and ended up on the ‘old’ site from which I clicked on the reference to STIX 2.0 and got to
https://clicktime.symantec. com/a/1/ f2ekh5aJbKNwXIYgLz4PDhrk2T8yTx f6pCmD-2x2W4w=?d= 81r6jUm3z4KlQkgBPmDAOGKjxS5hLb mG839uwZ96AbInzC0d72svKcJY7qKd wOf5GlM8RacryX8T860ejrYDrLU6P0 -lMA73wqISDqDQ5H0fby7PYlp- rJVETKLwJfsuVlIBl6sMWsLW6YdbQQ 61fW60XYWJ0SWB76t3HbFq6UMHY9MH _V8Fg10p5fFFc9Mqd_6GYKBZj7x9g_ 6b13kPRXdBTEF2rWgcJ1EyHzqEcRbJ CRFWxuJqq6LRmV_ HlZCJetJG0pAN0P6C3KtYSGszuRA0G PZEmBsAqF5e_JP1GY06nXex04lvlG_ pDBrjRNg6GA3tjImq8am1NPUyJ- BwCrl5uqxqwt6MGSD3tfcSCPAQAWSA nTv3LmvoMGDKGXNesKKdI7ZtX1udhO ODsb4IH5xEvnIlop3_Pf2e5qP_jA% 3D%3D&u=https%3A%2F%2Foasis- open.github.io%2Fcti- documentation%2F which is under the control of this mailing list. From there I clicked to
https://clicktime.symantec. com/a/1/w4rMfGTwVq_zirZR4moG- NPlU8cs6PpGLmGv0K2p7-k=?d= 81r6jUm3z4KlQkgBPmDAOGKjxS5hLb mG839uwZ96AbInzC0d72svKcJY7qKd wOf5GlM8RacryX8T860ejrYDrLU6P0 -lMA73wqISDqDQ5H0fby7PYlp- rJVETKLwJfsuVlIBl6sMWsLW6YdbQQ 61fW60XYWJ0SWB76t3HbFq6UMHY9MH _V8Fg10p5fFFc9Mqd_6GYKBZj7x9g_ 6b13kPRXdBTEF2rWgcJ1EyHzqEcRbJ CRFWxuJqq6LRmV_ HlZCJetJG0pAN0P6C3KtYSGszuRA0G PZEmBsAqF5e_JP1GY06nXex04lvlG_ pDBrjRNg6GA3tjImq8am1NPUyJ- BwCrl5uqxqwt6MGSD3tfcSCPAQAWSA nTv3LmvoMGDKGXNesKKdI7ZtX1udhO ODsb4IH5xEvnIlop3_Pf2e5qP_jA% 3D%3D&u=https%3A%2F%2Foasis- open.github.io%2Fcti- documentation%2Fresources% 23stix-20-specification which purports to be the STIX 2.0 Specification but brings me to a google doc which is a working doc. Shouldn’t it bring me to the now approved Spec instead of a working doc? iPhone, iTypo, iApologize Duncan Sparrell sFractal Consulting, LLC The closer you look, the more you see -- Robin Cover OASIS, Director of Information Services Editor, Cover Pages and XML Daily Newslink Email:
robin@oasis-open.org Staff bio:
http://www.oasis-open.org/people/staff/robin-cover Cover Pages:
http://xml.coverpages.org/ Newsletter:
http://xml.coverpages.org/newsletterArchive.html Tel: +1 972-296-1783