OASIS Business Document Exchange (BDXR) TC

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e-CODEX use cases and requirements

  • 1.  e-CODEX use cases and requirements

    Posted 05-14-2012 10:12
      |   view attached
    Dear TC,   Please find attached a first impression of the use cases and requirements from the e-CODEX project ( www.e-codex.eu ). Since the requirements are, at this level, very similar to the ones from PEPPOL, I have referenced Kenneth's presentation and added the e-CODEX viewpoint for better comparability.   Best regards   Susanne     Attachment: e-CODEX_UseCases_Requirements.doc Description: e-CODEX_UseCases_Requirements.doc


  • 2.  Generalizing metadata service discovery mechanism using DNS capabilities

    Posted 05-14-2012 14:26
      Please find attached a proposal on a way to discover a URL for a service that could provide connectivity capability ( metadata)   for  internet accessible “X2X “  interactions.   Some of the underlying standards may not be familiar, and if you have time,  here are some background links   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NAPTR_record   An early application in the commercial supply chain (“internet of things”)  (now being updated to the “FONS” standard)   http://www.gs1.org/gsmp/kc/epcglobal/ons/ons_1_0_1-standard-20080529.pdf   Dale Moberg           Attachment: Generalizing SML Format approach.odp Description: Generalizing SML Format approach.odp

  • 3.  Error in the published charter

    Posted 05-14-2012 23:22
    Dear TC, I noticed that in the published TC charter the last section Liaisons is missing, this has to be fixed.  This can be easily verified comparing the currently published charter here:  http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/bdxr/charter.php  with the rechartering proposal that has been formally voted and approved, published here:  http://wiki.oasis-open.org/bdx/Recharter Best regards Andrea Caccia

  • 4.  Re: [bdxr] Error in the published charter

    Posted 05-15-2012 05:28
    Dear Andrea Per request from OASIS the Liaisons section was moved to the non-normative part of the TC rechartering proposal. Please see attached. Best regards, Kenneth From: Andrea Caccia < andrea.caccia@studiocaccia.com > Date: Monday, May 14, 2012 6:21 PM To: < bdxr@lists.oasis-open.org > Subject: [bdxr] Error in the published charter Dear TC, I noticed that in the published TC charter the last section Liaisons is missing, this has to be fixed.  This can be easily verified comparing the currently published charter here:  http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/bdxr/charter.php  with the rechartering proposal that has been formally voted and approved, published here:  http://wiki.oasis-open.org/bdx/Recharter Best regards Andrea Caccia ---  Begin Message  --- From : Chet Ensign <chet.ensign@oasis-open.org> To : Kenneth Bengtsson <kenneth@alfa1lab.com>, bdx@lists.oasis-open.org Date : Thu, 12 Apr 2012 11:30:33 -0400 Hi Kenneth, Here are the revisions I would like you to make to the submission. So that I have everything in one communication, would you put a note at the beginning stating that the TC approved requesting a Special Majority Ballot to approve its revised charter in its meeting of <date> and provide a link to those minutes. I know that you gave me that elsewhere, it will just make life simpler if I have everything in one place. Please move the paragraph labelled "Liaisons:" to the non-normative section of the submission. Please put that in the "Similar or applicable work:" section. You can add it as a second paragraph. Regarding the First meeting - I believe GoToMeeting always provides a call in number for those that can't access the over the Internet. While this will sound a bit crazy in this day and age, there are companies (such as Bloomberg LP, the last place I worked) that don't allow employees to use web meeting software or even Skype! So please add a sentence saying something like "A conference calling number will be available for any participants who cannot access the meeting online" to make sure the meeting is inclusive. On the list of members supporting rechartering, as you are an individual member, your affiliation needs to be "Individual member" not Alfa1lab. You will need an org statement of support from Difi-Agency or, alternately, remove Klaus from the list. You need to add "Name of the Convener:" as the last section. I am assuming that you are acting as convener so you can just copy your information there. That's it. I'll start setting up the ballot now so it can get launched right away. -- /chet ---------------- Chet Ensign Director of Standards Development and TC Administration OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society http://www.oasis-open.org Primary: +1 973-996-2298 Mobile: +1 201-341-1393 Follow OASIS on: LinkedIn:     http://linkd.in/OASISopen Twitter:         http://twitter.com/OASISopen Facebook:   http://facebook.com/oasis.open --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: bdx-unsubscribe@lists.oasis-open.org For additional commands, e-mail: bdx-help@lists.oasis-open.org ---  End Message  --- ---  Begin Message  --- From : Kenneth Bengtsson <kenneth@alfa1lab.com> To : Chet Ensign <chet.ensign@oasis-open.org> Date : Thu, 12 Apr 2012 10:59:49 -0500 Dear TC Admin To move the work of the OASIS Business Document Exchange (BDX) Technical Committee into a broader scope and to accommodate requirements raised by BDX adopters, the TC has decided to formally propose the new Charter below. The decision to submit the new charter and to commence the formal rechartering process was taken at the TC's meeting on March 14 2012 and recorded in the minutes of that meeting. The minutes are available here: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/bdx/document.php?document_id=4 5438 Name of the TC: OASIS Business Document Exchange TC Statement of Purpose: The BDX standard will describe an architecture (or sets of reference architectures) where two entities exchange business documents in a secure and reliable way through the use of gateways (sometimes also referred to as access points), which is also known as the "four-corner model". The purpose of the TC is therefore to define the specifications of a lightweight and federated messaging and trust infrastructure for reliable data exchange, messaging and web services interoperability between domains. Here, a "domain" can be any community whose members (a) are connected through a shared system, and (b) may interact with others across domains. Regardless of each domain's internal workings, such interactions entail them each consuming and exposing to others over the Internet certain interfaces. These specifications should provide a framework for domains to interoperate securely and reliably (via Web Services), which can therefore be viewed as an Inter-cloud Web Services framework. The TC specifications should be lightweight but, wherever and to the extent possible, based on profiles of existing standards from OASIS and elsewhere that are widely-used and proven, or otherwise seen to be generally applicable. Approaches that are modular and agnostic about data content and implementation architectures will be preferred. The TC will focus first on requirements for exchanges between groups of related domains around standardized processes/data. Requirements of cross-domain business documents exchange, with its corresponding use cases, and implied interoperability requirements will inform prioritization of the TC's initial deliverables. The TC will specifically address requirements submitted by the Large Scale Pilots ("LSPs") in the area of e-government PEPPOL and e-CODEX. The work of the TC will contribute to the ongoing convergence of Pan-European messaging and trust infrastructures for reliable data exchange. In certain areas the work will therefore initially be centered on the work of these LSPs (notably on SMLP around identity and service discovery, addressing and profiling), and will also consider other approaches and related specifications (e.g. DNS, ebXML CPA, UDDI, ebXML RegRep, WS-Discovery), The TC may define or profile more than one such specification(s). In other areas, published specifications today may be absent or have gaps. In such cases the TC will attempt to identify relevant standards or work-in-progress at OASIS or other SDOs to establish liaisons with and provide requirements for such efforts, as needed. Scope of work of the TC: The specific objectives will be to define, specify and maintain the following: 1. Use cases and requirements, based on submissions; 2. Profiling / gap analysis of existing standards with reference to the use cases and requirements, potentially including: a) Addressing / Routing / Discovery (SML and related technologies) b) Service profiles/Capabilities (SMP, CPA and others) c) Identity/Authentication d) Trust Frameworks e) Transport / Reliable Messaging (e.g. AS4) 3. Unified architecture for all processes necessary and sufficient for the superset of supported use cases; 4. Specifications for SML/SMP will be developed within the TC; 5. PEPPOL specifications for the START and LIME protocols. List of deliverables: Technical specifications for protocols supporting distributed discovery of locations and e-business and technical capabilities of exchange partners. Profiles of B2B messaging protocols for use in four-corner (or multi-corner) topologies. IPR Mode under which the TC will operate: The TC will operate under the Non-Assertion Mode. The anticipated audience or users of the work: The initial target groups for the TC are: - Enterprise procurement vendors and supplier networks - Software companies (e.g. providers of middleware and business applications) - Supplier information management providers - Public institutions - Financial institutions and payment networks - Large private companies Language of the Technical Committee: The business of the Technical Committee will be conducted in English. Non-normative information regarding the rechartering of the TC: Similar or applicable work: There are OASIS TC's and other standards bodies covering topics related to the BDX TC: ebMS, ebXML CPA, UDDI, ebXML RegRep, WS-Discovery, AMQP and ETSI REM. The BDX TC is not competing with any of these existing standards but will build upon their existing specifications to define a complete infrastructure architecture. Liaisons: The initial list of liaisons that will be established includes: OASIS ebXML Technical Committees, ETSI ESI and OASIS Identity in the Cloud TC. Other liaisons will be established in the course of the work. First meeting: First meeting of the rechartered TC will be held May 2nd 2012 at 16.00 CEST. The meeting will be held online. Access to the meeting is provided through https://www4.gotomeeting.com/join/925073807 . A conference calling number will be available for any participants who cannot access the meeting online. Meeting schedule: The TC will hold weekly conference calls and in addition two face-to-face meetings a year (November and May). Face-to-face meetings will be sponsored by the members of the TC. Members supporting the rechartering of the TC: Kenneth Bengtsson, kenneth@alfa1lab.com, individual member Mikkel Hippe Brun, mhb@tradeshift.com, Tradeshift Network Ltd. Andrea Caccia, andrea.caccia@studiocaccia.com, AITI-Associazione Italiana Tesorieri de Impresa Pim van der Eijk, pvde@sonnenglanz.net, Sonnenglanz Consulting Tim McGrath, tim.mcgrath@documentengineeringservices.com, Document Engineering Services Limited Sven Rasmussen, svrr@itst.dk, Denmark Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation / DIGST Susanne Wigaard, Susanne.Wigard@it.nrw.de, Land Nordrhein-Westfalen Organizational members' statements of support: Document Engineering Services Limited: "Having been a supporter of the original Business Document Exchange TC's charter, Document Engineering Services fully supports the rechartering of the BDX TC as proposed." Sonnenglanz Consulting: "Sonnenglanz Consulting supports the proposed rechartering of the BDX TC, as agreed in the BDX TC meeting of March 14th and recorded in the minutes http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/bdx/document.php?document_id=4 5438 < http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/bdx/document.php?document_id= 45438.>." Land Nordrhein-Westfalen: "The Land Nordrhein-Westfalen supports the proposed rechartering of the BDX TC." AITI-Associazione Italiana Tesorieri de Impresa: "AITI too supports the rechartering." Denmark Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation / DIGST: "NITA/DIGST also supports the proposed rechartering of the BDX TC, as agreed in the BDX TC meeting of March 14th and recorded in the minutes http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/bdx/document.php?document_id=4 5438 < http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/bdx/document.php?document_id= 45438.>." Tradeshift Networks Ltd.: "Tradeshift supports the proposed rechartering of the BDX TC, as agreed in the BDX TC meeting of March 14th and recorded in the minutes http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/bdx/document.php?document_id=4 5438 < http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/bdx/document.php?document_id= 45438.>." Name of the Convener: The Convener is Kenneth Bengtsson, kenneth@alfa1lab.com --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: bdx-unsubscribe@lists.oasis-open.org For additional commands, e-mail: bdx-help@lists.oasis-open.org ---  End Message  ---

  • 5.  Re: [bdxr] Error in the published charter

    Posted 05-15-2012 13:50
    Kenneth, Andrea - Can I suggest that you can put the Liaisons material on the TC's main web page? That would make it even more evident than on the charter page. /chet On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 1:27 AM, Kenneth Bengtsson <kenneth@alfa1lab.com> wrote: > Dear Andrea > > Per request from OASIS the "Liaisons" section was moved to the non-normative > part of the TC rechartering proposal. Please see attached. > > Best regards, > > Kenneth > > > From: Andrea Caccia <andrea.caccia@studiocaccia.com> > Date: Monday, May 14, 2012 6:21 PM > To: <bdxr@lists.oasis-open.org> > Subject: [bdxr] Error in the published charter > > Dear TC, > I noticed that in the published TC charter the last section "Liaisons" is > missing, this has to be fixed. > This can be easily verified comparing the currently published charter > here:  http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/bdxr/charter.php with the > rechartering proposal that has been formally voted and approved, published > here:  http://wiki.oasis-open.org/bdx/Recharter > > Best regards > Andrea Caccia > > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > From: Chet Ensign <chet.ensign@oasis-open.org> > To: Kenneth Bengtsson <kenneth@alfa1lab.com>, bdx@lists.oasis-open.org > Cc: > Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 11:30:33 -0400 > Subject: [bdx] Revisions to the submitted revised charter > Hi Kenneth, > > Here are the revisions I would like you to make to the submission. > > So that I have everything in one communication, would you put a note > at the beginning stating that the TC approved requesting a Special > Majority Ballot to approve its revised charter in its meeting of > <date> and provide a link to those minutes. I know that you gave me > that elsewhere, it will just make life simpler if I have everything in > one place. > > Please move the paragraph labelled "Liaisons:" to the non-normative > section of the submission. Please put that in the "Similar or > applicable work:" section. You can add it as a second paragraph. > > Regarding the First meeting - I believe GoToMeeting always provides a > call in number for those that can't access the over the Internet. > While this will sound a bit crazy in this day and age, there are > companies (such as Bloomberg LP, the last place I worked) that don't > allow employees to use web meeting software or even Skype! So please > add a sentence saying something like "A conference calling number will > be available for any participants who cannot access the meeting > online" to make sure the meeting is inclusive. > > On the list of members supporting rechartering, as you are an > individual member, your affiliation needs to be "Individual member" > not Alfa1lab. > > You will need an org statement of support from Difi-Agency or, > alternately, remove Klaus from the list. > > You need to add "Name of the Convener:" as the last section. I am > assuming that you are acting as convener so you can just copy your > information there. > > That's it. I'll start setting up the ballot now so it can get launched > right away. > > -- > > /chet > ---------------- > Chet Ensign > Director of Standards Development and TC Administration > OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society > http://www.oasis-open.org > > Primary: +1 973-996-2298 > Mobile: +1 201-341-1393 > > Follow OASIS on: > LinkedIn:     http://linkd.in/OASISopen > Twitter:         http://twitter.com/OASISopen > Facebook:   http://facebook.com/oasis.open > > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > To unsubscribe, e-mail: bdx-unsubscribe@lists.oasis-open.org > For additional commands, e-mail: bdx-help@lists.oasis-open.org > > > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > From: Kenneth Bengtsson <kenneth@alfa1lab.com> > To: Chet Ensign <chet.ensign@oasis-open.org> > Cc: "bdx@lists.oasis-open.org" <bdx@lists.oasis-open.org> > Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 10:59:49 -0500 > Subject: [bdx] OASIS Business Document Exchange (BDX) Technical Committee > rechartering > Dear TC Admin > > To move the work of the OASIS Business Document Exchange (BDX) Technical > Committee into a broader scope and to accommodate requirements raised by > BDX adopters, the TC has decided to formally propose the new Charter > below. The decision to submit the new charter and to commence the formal > rechartering process was taken at the TC's meeting on March 14 2012 and > recorded in the minutes of that meeting. The minutes are available here: > > http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/bdx/document.php?document_id=4 > 5438 > > > > Name of the TC: > OASIS Business Document Exchange TC > > Statement of Purpose: > The BDX standard will describe an architecture (or sets of reference > architectures) where two entities exchange business documents in a secure > and reliable way through the use of gateways (sometimes also referred to > as access points), which is also known as the "four-corner model". > > The purpose of the TC is therefore to define the specifications of a > lightweight and federated messaging and trust infrastructure for reliable > data exchange, messaging and web services interoperability between > domains. Here, a "domain" can be any community whose members (a) are > connected through a shared system, and (b) may interact with others across > domains. > > Regardless of each domain's internal workings, such interactions entail > them each consuming and exposing to others over the Internet certain > interfaces. These specifications should provide a framework for domains to > interoperate securely and reliably (via Web Services), which can therefore > be viewed as an Inter-cloud Web Services framework. > > The TC specifications should be lightweight but, wherever and to the > extent possible, based on profiles of existing standards from OASIS and > elsewhere that are widely-used and proven, or otherwise seen to be > generally applicable. Approaches that are modular and agnostic about data > content and implementation architectures will be preferred. > > The TC will focus first on requirements for exchanges between groups of > related domains around standardized processes/data. Requirements of > cross-domain business documents exchange, with its corresponding use > cases, and implied interoperability requirements will inform > prioritization of the TC's initial deliverables. The TC will specifically > address requirements submitted by the Large Scale Pilots ("LSPs") in the > area of e-government PEPPOL and e-CODEX. The work of the TC will > contribute to the ongoing convergence of Pan-European messaging and trust > infrastructures for reliable data exchange. > > In certain areas the work will therefore initially be centered on the work > of these LSPs (notably on SMLP around identity and service discovery, > addressing and profiling), and will also consider other approaches and > related specifications (e.g. DNS, ebXML CPA, UDDI, ebXML RegRep, > WS-Discovery), The TC may define or profile more than one such > specification(s). > > In other areas, published specifications today may be absent or have gaps. > In such cases the TC will attempt to identify relevant standards or > work-in-progress at OASIS or other SDOs to establish liaisons with and > provide requirements for such efforts, as needed. > > Scope of work of the TC: > The specific objectives will be to define, specify and maintain the > following: > > 1. Use cases and requirements, based on submissions; > 2. Profiling / gap analysis of existing standards with reference to the > use cases and requirements, potentially including: >  a) Addressing / Routing / Discovery (SML and related technologies) >  b) Service profiles/Capabilities (SMP, CPA and others) >  c) Identity/Authentication >  d) Trust Frameworks >  e) Transport / Reliable Messaging (e.g. AS4) > 3. Unified architecture for all processes necessary and sufficient for the > superset of supported use cases; > 4. Specifications for SML/SMP will be developed within the TC; > 5. PEPPOL specifications for the START and LIME protocols. > > List of deliverables: > Technical specifications for protocols supporting distributed discovery of > locations and e-business and technical capabilities of exchange partners. > > Profiles of B2B messaging protocols for use in four-corner (or > multi-corner) topologies. > > IPR Mode under which the TC will operate: > The TC will operate under the Non-Assertion Mode. > > The anticipated audience or users of the work: > The initial target groups for the TC are: > > - Enterprise procurement vendors and supplier networks > - Software companies (e.g. providers of middleware and business > applications) > - Supplier information management providers > - Public institutions > - Financial institutions and payment networks > - Large private companies > > Language of the Technical Committee: > The business of the Technical Committee will be conducted in English. > > > Non-normative information regarding the rechartering of the TC: > > Similar or applicable work: > There are OASIS TC's and other standards bodies covering topics related to > the BDX TC: ebMS, ebXML CPA, UDDI, ebXML RegRep, WS-Discovery, AMQP and > ETSI REM. The BDX TC is not competing with any of these existing standards > but will build upon their existing specifications to define a complete > infrastructure architecture. > > Liaisons: The initial list of liaisons that will be established includes: > OASIS ebXML Technical Committees, ETSI ESI and OASIS Identity in the Cloud > TC. Other liaisons will be established in the course of the work. > > > First meeting: > First meeting of the rechartered TC will be held May 2nd 2012 at 16.00 > CEST. The meeting will be held online. Access to the meeting is provided > through https://www4.gotomeeting.com/join/925073807 . A conference calling > number will be available for any participants who cannot access the > meeting online. > > > Meeting schedule: > The TC will hold weekly conference calls and in addition two face-to-face > meetings a year (November and May). Face-to-face meetings will be > sponsored by the members of the TC. > > Members supporting the rechartering of the TC: > Kenneth Bengtsson, kenneth@alfa1lab.com, individual member > Mikkel Hippe Brun, mhb@tradeshift.com, Tradeshift Network Ltd. > Andrea Caccia, andrea.caccia@studiocaccia.com, AITI-Associazione Italiana > Tesorieri de Impresa > Pim van der Eijk, pvde@sonnenglanz.net, Sonnenglanz Consulting > Tim McGrath, tim.mcgrath@documentengineeringservices.com, Document > Engineering Services Limited > Sven Rasmussen, svrr@itst.dk, Denmark Ministry of Science, Technology & > Innovation / DIGST > Susanne Wigaard, Susanne.Wigard@it.nrw.de, Land Nordrhein-Westfalen > > Organizational members' statements of support: > Document Engineering Services Limited: > "Having been a supporter of the original Business Document Exchange TC's > charter, Document Engineering Services fully supports the rechartering of > the BDX TC as proposed." > > Sonnenglanz Consulting: > "Sonnenglanz Consulting supports the proposed rechartering of the BDX TC, > as agreed in the BDX TC meeting of March 14th and recorded in the minutes > http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/bdx/document.php?document_id=4 > 5438 > < http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/bdx/document.php?document_id= > 45438.>." > > Land Nordrhein-Westfalen: > "The Land Nordrhein-Westfalen supports the proposed rechartering of the > BDX TC." > > AITI-Associazione Italiana Tesorieri de Impresa: > "AITI too supports the rechartering." > > Denmark Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation / DIGST: > "NITA/DIGST also supports the proposed rechartering of the BDX TC, as > agreed in the BDX TC meeting of March 14th and recorded in the minutes > http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/bdx/document.php?document_id=4 > 5438 > < http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/bdx/document.php?document_id= > 45438.>." > > Tradeshift Networks Ltd.: > "Tradeshift supports the proposed rechartering of the BDX TC, as agreed in > the BDX TC meeting of March 14th and recorded in the minutes > http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/bdx/document.php?document_id=4 > 5438 > < http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/bdx/document.php?document_id= > 45438.>." > > Name of the Convener: > > The Convener is Kenneth Bengtsson, kenneth@alfa1lab.com > > > > > > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > To unsubscribe, e-mail: bdx-unsubscribe@lists.oasis-open.org > For additional commands, e-mail: bdx-help@lists.oasis-open.org > > > > > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > To unsubscribe, e-mail: bdxr-unsubscribe@lists.oasis-open.org > For additional commands, e-mail: bdxr-help@lists.oasis-open.org -- /chet ---------------- Chet Ensign Director of Standards Development and TC Administration OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society http://www.oasis-open.org Primary: +1 973-996-2298 Mobile: +1 201-341-1393 Follow OASIS on: LinkedIn:     http://linkd.in/OASISopen Twitter:         http://twitter.com/OASISopen Facebook:   http://facebook.com/oasis.open

  • 6.  Re: [bdxr] Error in the published charter

    Posted 05-15-2012 14:39
    Just spotted this flying across the radar... > Liaisons material on the TC's main web page Yes: as described in policy and template for home hage 1.  Liaisons to a Technical Committee or Member Section "... the liaison must be listed on the web page of the TC" http://www.oasis-open.org/policies-guidelines/liaison#tcliaison 2.  The "TC Liaisons" should be listed after Subcommittees  on theBDXR TC home page; see: TC Public Page Template   XHTML Template (.html)   Template Instructions   http://docs.oasis-open.org/templates/TCPublicPageTemplate.htm Model: Table of Contents  Announcements  Overview  Subcommittees  TC Liaisons <--************  Technical Work Produced by the Committee  Expository Work Produced by the Committee  External Resources  Mailing Lists and Comments  Additional Information  see: from "Templates" http://docs.oasis-open.org/templates/ On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 8:50 AM, Chet Ensign < chet.ensign@oasis-open.org > wrote: Kenneth, Andrea - Can I suggest that you can put the Liaisons material on the TC's main web page? That would make it even more evident than on the charter page. /chet On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 1:27 AM, Kenneth Bengtsson < kenneth@alfa1lab.com > wrote: > Dear Andrea > > Per request from OASIS the "Liaisons" section was moved to the non-normative > part of the TC rechartering proposal. Please see attached. > > Best regards, > > Kenneth > > > From: Andrea Caccia < andrea.caccia@studiocaccia.com > > Date: Monday, May 14, 2012 6:21 PM > To: < bdxr@lists.oasis-open.org > > Subject: [bdxr] Error in the published charter > > Dear TC, > I noticed that in the published TC charter the last section "Liaisons" is > missing, this has to be fixed. > This can be easily verified comparing the currently published charter > here:  http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/bdxr/charter.php  with the > rechartering proposal that has been formally voted and approved, published > here:  http://wiki.oasis-open.org/bdx/Recharter > > Best regards > Andrea Caccia > > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > From: Chet Ensign < chet.ensign@oasis-open.org > > To: Kenneth Bengtsson < kenneth@alfa1lab.com >, bdx@lists.oasis-open.org > Cc: > Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 11:30:33 -0400 > Subject: [bdx] Revisions to the submitted revised charter > Hi Kenneth, > > Here are the revisions I would like you to make to the submission. > > So that I have everything in one communication, would you put a note > at the beginning stating that the TC approved requesting a Special > Majority Ballot to approve its revised charter in its meeting of > <date> and provide a link to those minutes. I know that you gave me > that elsewhere, it will just make life simpler if I have everything in > one place. > > Please move the paragraph labelled "Liaisons:" to the non-normative > section of the submission. Please put that in the "Similar or > applicable work:" section. You can add it as a second paragraph. > > Regarding the First meeting - I believe GoToMeeting always provides a > call in number for those that can't access the over the Internet. > While this will sound a bit crazy in this day and age, there are > companies (such as Bloomberg LP, the last place I worked) that don't > allow employees to use web meeting software or even Skype! So please > add a sentence saying something like "A conference calling number will > be available for any participants who cannot access the meeting > online" to make sure the meeting is inclusive. > > On the list of members supporting rechartering, as you are an > individual member, your affiliation needs to be "Individual member" > not Alfa1lab. > > You will need an org statement of support from Difi-Agency or, > alternately, remove Klaus from the list. > > You need to add "Name of the Convener:" as the last section. I am > assuming that you are acting as convener so you can just copy your > information there. > > That's it. I'll start setting up the ballot now so it can get launched > right away. > > -- > > /chet > ---------------- > Chet Ensign > Director of Standards Development and TC Administration > OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society > http://www.oasis-open.org > > Primary: +1 973-996-2298 > Mobile: +1 201-341-1393 > > Follow OASIS on: > LinkedIn:     http://linkd.in/OASISopen > Twitter:         http://twitter.com/OASISopen > Facebook:   http://facebook.com/oasis.open > > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > To unsubscribe, e-mail: bdx-unsubscribe@lists.oasis-open.org > For additional commands, e-mail: bdx-help@lists.oasis-open.org > > > > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > From: Kenneth Bengtsson < kenneth@alfa1lab.com > > To: Chet Ensign < chet.ensign@oasis-open.org > > Cc: " bdx@lists.oasis-open.org " < bdx@lists.oasis-open.org > > Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 10:59:49 -0500 > Subject: [bdx] OASIS Business Document Exchange (BDX) Technical Committee > rechartering > Dear TC Admin > > To move the work of the OASIS Business Document Exchange (BDX) Technical > Committee into a broader scope and to accommodate requirements raised by > BDX adopters, the TC has decided to formally propose the new Charter > below. The decision to submit the new charter and to commence the formal > rechartering process was taken at the TC's meeting on March 14 2012 and > recorded in the minutes of that meeting. The minutes are available here: > > http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/bdx/document.php?document_id=4 > 5438 > > > > Name of the TC: > OASIS Business Document Exchange TC > > Statement of Purpose: > The BDX standard will describe an architecture (or sets of reference > architectures) where two entities exchange business documents in a secure > and reliable way through the use of gateways (sometimes also referred to > as access points), which is also known as the "four-corner model". > > The purpose of the TC is therefore to define the specifications of a > lightweight and federated messaging and trust infrastructure for reliable > data exchange, messaging and web services interoperability between > domains. Here, a "domain" can be any community whose members (a) are > connected through a shared system, and (b) may interact with others across > domains. > > Regardless of each domain's internal workings, such interactions entail > them each consuming and exposing to others over the Internet certain > interfaces. These specifications should provide a framework for domains to > interoperate securely and reliably (via Web Services), which can therefore > be viewed as an Inter-cloud Web Services framework. > > The TC specifications should be lightweight but, wherever and to the > extent possible, based on profiles of existing standards from OASIS and > elsewhere that are widely-used and proven, or otherwise seen to be > generally applicable. Approaches that are modular and agnostic about data > content and implementation architectures will be preferred. > > The TC will focus first on requirements for exchanges between groups of > related domains around standardized processes/data. Requirements of > cross-domain business documents exchange, with its corresponding use > cases, and implied interoperability requirements will inform > prioritization of the TC's initial deliverables. The TC will specifically > address requirements submitted by the Large Scale Pilots ("LSPs") in the > area of e-government PEPPOL and e-CODEX. The work of the TC will > contribute to the ongoing convergence of Pan-European messaging and trust > infrastructures for reliable data exchange. > > In certain areas the work will therefore initially be centered on the work > of these LSPs (notably on SMLP around identity and service discovery, > addressing and profiling), and will also consider other approaches and > related specifications (e.g. DNS, ebXML CPA, UDDI, ebXML RegRep, > WS-Discovery), The TC may define or profile more than one such > specification(s). > > In other areas, published specifications today may be absent or have gaps. > In such cases the TC will attempt to identify relevant standards or > work-in-progress at OASIS or other SDOs to establish liaisons with and > provide requirements for such efforts, as needed. > > Scope of work of the TC: > The specific objectives will be to define, specify and maintain the > following: > > 1. Use cases and requirements, based on submissions; > 2. Profiling / gap analysis of existing standards with reference to the > use cases and requirements, potentially including: >  a) Addressing / Routing / Discovery (SML and related technologies) >  b) Service profiles/Capabilities (SMP, CPA and others) >  c) Identity/Authentication >  d) Trust Frameworks >  e) Transport / Reliable Messaging (e.g. AS4) > 3. Unified architecture for all processes necessary and sufficient for the > superset of supported use cases; > 4. Specifications for SML/SMP will be developed within the TC; > 5. PEPPOL specifications for the START and LIME protocols. > > List of deliverables: > Technical specifications for protocols supporting distributed discovery of > locations and e-business and technical capabilities of exchange partners. > > Profiles of B2B messaging protocols for use in four-corner (or > multi-corner) topologies. > > IPR Mode under which the TC will operate: > The TC will operate under the Non-Assertion Mode. > > The anticipated audience or users of the work: > The initial target groups for the TC are: > > - Enterprise procurement vendors and supplier networks > - Software companies (e.g. providers of middleware and business > applications) > - Supplier information management providers > - Public institutions > - Financial institutions and payment networks > - Large private companies > > Language of the Technical Committee: > The business of the Technical Committee will be conducted in English. > > > Non-normative information regarding the rechartering of the TC: > > Similar or applicable work: > There are OASIS TC's and other standards bodies covering topics related to > the BDX TC: ebMS, ebXML CPA, UDDI, ebXML RegRep, WS-Discovery, AMQP and > ETSI REM. The BDX TC is not competing with any of these existing standards > but will build upon their existing specifications to define a complete > infrastructure architecture. > > Liaisons: The initial list of liaisons that will be established includes: > OASIS ebXML Technical Committees, ETSI ESI and OASIS Identity in the Cloud > TC. Other liaisons will be established in the course of the work. > > > First meeting: > First meeting of the rechartered TC will be held May 2nd 2012 at 16.00 > CEST. The meeting will be held online. Access to the meeting is provided > through https://www4.gotomeeting.com/join/925073807 . A conference calling > number will be available for any participants who cannot access the > meeting online. > > > Meeting schedule: > The TC will hold weekly conference calls and in addition two face-to-face > meetings a year (November and May). Face-to-face meetings will be > sponsored by the members of the TC. > > Members supporting the rechartering of the TC: > Kenneth Bengtsson, kenneth@alfa1lab.com , individual member > Mikkel Hippe Brun, mhb@tradeshift.com , Tradeshift Network Ltd. > Andrea Caccia, andrea.caccia@studiocaccia.com , AITI-Associazione Italiana > Tesorieri de Impresa > Pim van der Eijk, pvde@sonnenglanz.net , Sonnenglanz Consulting > Tim McGrath, tim.mcgrath@documentengineeringservices.com , Document > Engineering Services Limited > Sven Rasmussen, svrr@itst.dk , Denmark Ministry of Science, Technology & > Innovation / DIGST > Susanne Wigaard, Susanne.Wigard@it.nrw.de , Land Nordrhein-Westfalen > > Organizational members' statements of support: > Document Engineering Services Limited: > "Having been a supporter of the original Business Document Exchange TC's > charter, Document Engineering Services fully supports the rechartering of > the BDX TC as proposed." > > Sonnenglanz Consulting: > "Sonnenglanz Consulting supports the proposed rechartering of the BDX TC, > as agreed in the BDX TC meeting of March 14th and recorded in the minutes > http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/bdx/document.php?document_id=4 > 5438 > < http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/bdx/document.php?document_id= > 45438.>." > > Land Nordrhein-Westfalen: > "The Land Nordrhein-Westfalen supports the proposed rechartering of the > BDX TC." > > AITI-Associazione Italiana Tesorieri de Impresa: > "AITI too supports the rechartering." > > Denmark Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation / DIGST: > "NITA/DIGST also supports the proposed rechartering of the BDX TC, as > agreed in the BDX TC meeting of March 14th and recorded in the minutes > http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/bdx/document.php?document_id=4 > 5438 > < http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/bdx/document.php?document_id= > 45438.>." > > Tradeshift Networks Ltd.: > "Tradeshift supports the proposed rechartering of the BDX TC, as agreed in > the BDX TC meeting of March 14th and recorded in the minutes > http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/bdx/document.php?document_id=4 > 5438 > < http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/bdx/document.php?document_id= > 45438.>." > > Name of the Convener: > > The Convener is Kenneth Bengtsson, kenneth@alfa1lab.com > > > > > > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > To unsubscribe, e-mail: bdx-unsubscribe@lists.oasis-open.org > For additional commands, e-mail: bdx-help@lists.oasis-open.org > > > > > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > To unsubscribe, e-mail: bdxr-unsubscribe@lists.oasis-open.org > For additional commands, e-mail: bdxr-help@lists.oasis-open.org -- /chet ---------------- Chet Ensign Director of Standards Development and TC Administration OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society http://www.oasis-open.org Primary: +1 973-996-2298 Mobile: +1 201-341-1393 Follow OASIS on: LinkedIn:     http://linkd.in/OASISopen Twitter:         http://twitter.com/OASISopen Facebook:   http://facebook.com/oasis.open --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: bdxr-unsubscribe@lists.oasis-open.org For additional commands, e-mail: bdxr-help@lists.oasis-open.org -- Robin Cover OASIS, Director of Information Services Editor, Cover Pages and XML Daily Newslink Email: robin@oasis-open.org Staff bio: http://www.oasis-open.org/people/staff/robin-cover Cover Pages: http://xml.coverpages.org/ Newsletter: http://xml.coverpages.org/newsletterArchive.html Tel: +1 972-296-1783

  • 7.  Re: [bdxr] Error in the published charter

    Posted 05-15-2012 16:24
    Good idea Chet, I will update the webpage today. /Kenneth On 5/15/12 8:50 AM, "Chet Ensign" <chet.ensign@oasis-open.org> wrote: >Kenneth, Andrea - > >Can I suggest that you can put the Liaisons material on the TC's main >web page? That would make it even more evident than on the charter >page. > >/chet > >On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 1:27 AM, Kenneth Bengtsson <kenneth@alfa1lab.com> >wrote: >> Dear Andrea >> >> Per request from OASIS the "Liaisons" section was moved to the >>non-normative >> part of the TC rechartering proposal. Please see attached. >> >> Best regards, >> >> Kenneth >> >> >> From: Andrea Caccia <andrea.caccia@studiocaccia.com> >> Date: Monday, May 14, 2012 6:21 PM >> To: <bdxr@lists.oasis-open.org> >> Subject: [bdxr] Error in the published charter >> >> Dear TC, >> I noticed that in the published TC charter the last section "Liaisons" >>is >> missing, this has to be fixed. >> This can be easily verified comparing the currently published charter >> here: http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/bdxr/charter.php with the >> rechartering proposal that has been formally voted and approved, >>published >> here: http://wiki.oasis-open.org/bdx/Recharter >> >> Best regards >> Andrea Caccia >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- >> From: Chet Ensign <chet.ensign@oasis-open.org> >> To: Kenneth Bengtsson <kenneth@alfa1lab.com>, bdx@lists.oasis-open.org >> Cc: >> Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 11:30:33 -0400 >> Subject: [bdx] Revisions to the submitted revised charter >> Hi Kenneth, >> >> Here are the revisions I would like you to make to the submission. >> >> So that I have everything in one communication, would you put a note >> at the beginning stating that the TC approved requesting a Special >> Majority Ballot to approve its revised charter in its meeting of >> <date> and provide a link to those minutes. I know that you gave me >> that elsewhere, it will just make life simpler if I have everything in >> one place. >> >> Please move the paragraph labelled "Liaisons:" to the non-normative >> section of the submission. Please put that in the "Similar or >> applicable work:" section. You can add it as a second paragraph. >> >> Regarding the First meeting - I believe GoToMeeting always provides a >> call in number for those that can't access the over the Internet. >> While this will sound a bit crazy in this day and age, there are >> companies (such as Bloomberg LP, the last place I worked) that don't >> allow employees to use web meeting software or even Skype! So please >> add a sentence saying something like "A conference calling number will >> be available for any participants who cannot access the meeting >> online" to make sure the meeting is inclusive. >> >> On the list of members supporting rechartering, as you are an >> individual member, your affiliation needs to be "Individual member" >> not Alfa1lab. >> >> You will need an org statement of support from Difi-Agency or, >> alternately, remove Klaus from the list. >> >> You need to add "Name of the Convener:" as the last section. I am >> assuming that you are acting as convener so you can just copy your >> information there. >> >> That's it. I'll start setting up the ballot now so it can get launched >> right away. >> >> -- >> >> /chet >> ---------------- >> Chet Ensign >> Director of Standards Development and TC Administration >> OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society >> http://www.oasis-open.org >> >> Primary: +1 973-996-2298 >> Mobile: +1 201-341-1393 >> >> Follow OASIS on: >> LinkedIn: http://linkd.in/OASISopen >> Twitter: http://twitter.com/OASISopen >> Facebook: http://facebook.com/oasis.open >> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------- >> To unsubscribe, e-mail: bdx-unsubscribe@lists.oasis-open.org >> For additional commands, e-mail: bdx-help@lists.oasis-open.org >> >> >> >> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- >> From: Kenneth Bengtsson <kenneth@alfa1lab.com> >> To: Chet Ensign <chet.ensign@oasis-open.org> >> Cc: "bdx@lists.oasis-open.org" <bdx@lists.oasis-open.org> >> Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 10:59:49 -0500 >> Subject: [bdx] OASIS Business Document Exchange (BDX) Technical >>Committee >> rechartering >> Dear TC Admin >> >> To move the work of the OASIS Business Document Exchange (BDX) Technical >> Committee into a broader scope and to accommodate requirements raised by >> BDX adopters, the TC has decided to formally propose the new Charter >> below. The decision to submit the new charter and to commence the formal >> rechartering process was taken at the TC's meeting on March 14 2012 and >> recorded in the minutes of that meeting. The minutes are available here: >> >> >> http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/bdx/document.php?document_id >>=4 >> 5438 >> >> >> >> Name of the TC: >> OASIS Business Document Exchange TC >> >> Statement of Purpose: >> The BDX standard will describe an architecture (or sets of reference >> architectures) where two entities exchange business documents in a >>secure >> and reliable way through the use of gateways (sometimes also referred to >> as access points), which is also known as the "four-corner model". >> >> The purpose of the TC is therefore to define the specifications of a >> lightweight and federated messaging and trust infrastructure for >>reliable >> data exchange, messaging and web services interoperability between >> domains. Here, a "domain" can be any community whose members (a) are >> connected through a shared system, and (b) may interact with others >>across >> domains. >> >> Regardless of each domain's internal workings, such interactions entail >> them each consuming and exposing to others over the Internet certain >> interfaces. These specifications should provide a framework for domains >>to >> interoperate securely and reliably (via Web Services), which can >>therefore >> be viewed as an Inter-cloud Web Services framework. >> >> The TC specifications should be lightweight but, wherever and to the >> extent possible, based on profiles of existing standards from OASIS and >> elsewhere that are widely-used and proven, or otherwise seen to be >> generally applicable. Approaches that are modular and agnostic about >>data >> content and implementation architectures will be preferred. >> >> The TC will focus first on requirements for exchanges between groups of >> related domains around standardized processes/data. Requirements of >> cross-domain business documents exchange, with its corresponding use >> cases, and implied interoperability requirements will inform >> prioritization of the TC's initial deliverables. The TC will >>specifically >> address requirements submitted by the Large Scale Pilots ("LSPs") in the >> area of e-government PEPPOL and e-CODEX. The work of the TC will >> contribute to the ongoing convergence of Pan-European messaging and >>trust >> infrastructures for reliable data exchange. >> >> In certain areas the work will therefore initially be centered on the >>work >> of these LSPs (notably on SMLP around identity and service discovery, >> addressing and profiling), and will also consider other approaches and >> related specifications (e.g. DNS, ebXML CPA, UDDI, ebXML RegRep, >> WS-Discovery), The TC may define or profile more than one such >> specification(s). >> >> In other areas, published specifications today may be absent or have >>gaps. >> In such cases the TC will attempt to identify relevant standards or >> work-in-progress at OASIS or other SDOs to establish liaisons with and >> provide requirements for such efforts, as needed. >> >> Scope of work of the TC: >> The specific objectives will be to define, specify and maintain the >> following: >> >> 1. Use cases and requirements, based on submissions; &