OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

[xacml] Updated Appendix A

  • 1.  [xacml] Updated Appendix A

    Posted 08-21-2002 20:40
    Updated write up and table included. I added missing mandatory functions and fixed naming convention from using underscore to dashes. Though - I would greatly prefer underscores - it is a common naming convention. I will be waiting for more feedback from Polar. We need to discuss and clarify usage on implied sequences of values for argumanets and using unary transformation functions (such as round and floor) on sequences of values larger then 1 (whether to allow empty sequence, and to separate these functions into ones requiring single<type> input, and unspecified length sequence - (which will overlap with single<type>) Daniel Attachment: XACML_functions.DOC Description: MS-Word document Attachment: XACML_functions_table.xls Description: MS-Excel spreadsheet