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Subject: Re: [emergency] RE: A view from Australia on dealing with emergencies.
Carl -
All-Hazards was the paradigm for U.S. emergency management from Mt.
Saint Helens until 9/11. It got lost amid the New Sentimentalism
that swept the nation after the 9/11 attacks, just as FEMA got lost
within DHS.
- Art
On Sep 29, 2005, at 4:15 PM, Carl Reed OGC Account wrote:
> I recently attended and presented at a workshop is Australia titled
> Geospatial Support to the National "All Hazards" Counter-Terrorism,
> Emergency. By way of background, after 9-11, and convened with
> greater urgency as a result of the Bali bombings, the Australian
> Government invited representatives from key United States emergency
> management organizations involved in the response to the September
> 11 incident were invited to lead a series of ‘Lessons Learnt’
> Executive Breakfasts and Workshops around Australia in March 2003.
> The results of these workshops can be found in a document located
> at
> (63F21BC6A4528BAE4CED2F9930C45677)~EMALessonsLearntbookletfinal.pdf/
> $file/EMALessonsLearntbookletfinal.pdf .
> One of the key recommendations that arose from these workshops and
> has since become and integral component of EM and Preparedness in
> Australia is something called the 'All hazards' approach.
> Basically, this approach is to develop preparedness and response
> plans that incorporate the 'all hazards' approach - really one plan
> that can be activated with the flexibility to be adapted to all
> incidents.
> This policy is captured in the 2004 Emergency Management Act. The
> Emergency Management Act 2004 establishes a framework for the
> management of emergencies. Its major parts deal with:
> the State Emergency Management Committee (SEMC) - establishment,
> membership, functions and powers, including the power to create
> advisory groups
> co-ordination - through the Commissioner of Police, as State Co-
> ordinator, and assistants
> the management of emergencies, including:
> their classification as major incidents, major emergencies or
> disasters
> recovery operations.
> The Act replaces the State Disaster Act 1980, and is consistent
> with the Government's policy on emergency management, protective
> security and counter-terrorism. It shifts the focus from 'disaster
> management' to a flexible 'all hazards' framework that applies to
> planning, coordination and control for any emergency.
> Their philosophy is to treat all emergencies the same in terms of
> policy, jurisdictional relationships, partnerships, agreements,
> communications, information sharing, and so forth. There are
> obviously response hardware differences according to the event
> type, such as required for radiation versus fire versus a bomb
> threat. However, the policies and procedures - the plan - are
> almost identical for all event types.
> I am not sure how similar or dissimilar this approach is from what
> DHS is doing. However, they Aussies are a bit mystified by what
> appears to be a fragmented approach in the US.
> Carl Reed, PhD
> CTO and Executive Director Specification Program
> The OGC: Helping the World to Communicate Geographically
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> "The important thing is not to stop questioning." -- Albert Einstein
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