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Subject: [xacml] PH01: Clarifications changes on 18c
Sorry for not following Anne's guidelines for change requests, but I'm in
a rush to get out of here for the holiday weekend. BTW, I will not be
around for a conference call on monday. I should think the canadians are
out as well.
So, I've just attached a copy of 18c with some editorial changes. I've put
the change bars on so you can see what they are, and Simon or Tim can
merge them into their version of the document.
I've changed only a few things that are manly clarifications based on our
agreements on Thursday. I think I address to Hal's concerns about the
policy indexing and the attribute things, as well as some other concerns
about attributes and datatypes.
Currently I see change bars in:
Section 2 header (non-morative)
Section 2.3 Added Only-one-applicable combining algorithm and description
Section 2.8 Policy indexing clarifications
Section 5.22 Function clarification with cross references
Section 5.29 Attribute Selector clarifications
Section 5.32 Obligation clarifications
Section 7.1 Initial Policy clarification
Section 7.4.2 Added Attribute Section
Section 7.5 Authorization Decision about listing datatypes with missing
attribute ids.
Have a good holiday weekend, if you are observing it.
I'll be in the woods and a canoe until Monday afternoon.
Description: Binary data
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