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Naming and format suggestions for Base Objects and Managed Objects

Rod Wideman

Rod Wideman06-10-2009 04:11

  • 1.  Naming and format suggestions for Base Objects and Managed Objects

    Posted 06-10-2009 04:11
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  • 2.  Re: [kmip] Naming and format suggestions for Base Objects and ManagedObjects

    Posted 06-25-2009 12:23
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  • 3.  RE: [kmip] Naming and format suggestions for Base Objects and Managed Objects

    Posted 06-25-2009 14:44
    Hi Rene,
    Yes, this is better.  Do you think the third column should still be "Required Field" instead of just "Required"? (the examples from section 3 still have "Required Field").  I think "Required" is sufficient.
    Personally, I still think including the top level structure as a row by itself could lead to confusion, since the table is mainly trying to describe what is in the structure; the fact that it is a structure is already conveyed by the text and title.  Even by using the PASCAL example, the table contents would be the items between RECORD and END, as the table itself is the TYPE framework.
    One last suggestion would be to just combine the first two rows:

    Credential Field

    Field Encoding


    Credential Type



    Credential Value

    Octet String


    The indentation could be preserved if desired.  This seems more economical and clear to me, but I realize it's a matter of opinion.

    From: Rene Pawlitzek [mailto:rpa@zurich.ibm.com]
    Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2009 7:23 AM
    To: Rod Wideman
    Cc: kmip@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: Re: [kmip] Naming and format suggestions for Base Objects and Managed Objects


    here is my proposal for reformatting the tables. I believe that with only a few minor changes we can increase readability. The idea is to format the tables into a PASCAL-like layout.



    Rene Pawlitzek
    IBM Zurich Research Lab.
    Department of Computer Science
    Saeumerstr. 4
    CH-8803 Rueschlikon
    tel.: +41-44-724-8683
    mail: rpa@zurich.ibm.com


    From: "Rod Wideman" <Rod.Wideman@quantum.com>
    To: <kmip@lists.oasis-open.org>
    Date: 06/10/2009 06:10 AM
    Subject: [kmip] Naming and format suggestions for Base Objects and Managed Objects

    I have a few observations and suggestions to share regarding sections 2.1 (Base Objects) and 2.2 (Managed Objects).  
    Base Objects appear to be consistently structures, and the term "base objects" seems to be an idea to differentiate them from managed objects. Some of these base objects have additional structures within them. The tables used throughout 2.1 are all consistent in layout though, using the same layout for things called objects and things called structures. The first column header is labeled "Object", but most of the rows appear to be fields within the object (or structure), and the last column header is labeled either "Required" or "Required Field" (the latter label also implying that the rows are fields).
    Each table includes a row that is the name of the object or structure itself, for which the table defines.  Since this row is included along with the rows (fields) that compose the object or structure, it may lead to some confusion, but at least seems distracting (to me anyway).
    So my suggestions are as follows:
     - Structure the tables slightly differently by using a title for each table and reference the table by title in the text
     - Call "base objects" something else, like just "structures".  Then whether or not they contain sub-structures, all the tables and text in 2.1 can be consistent and Managed Objects in 2.2 can more cleanly refer to structures.
    I'm attaching a PDF that attempts to show a few examples of what I'm describing.
    Rod Wideman
    Quantum Corporation
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