OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

  • 1.  Using glossary terms by reference

    Posted 01-23-2007 03:53
    A client wants to be able to use terms defined in a glossary by 
    reference where they are mentioned.
    In reviewing the glossary support markup I don't see any direct solution 
    other than using 

  • 2.  Re: [dita] Using glossary terms by reference

    Posted 01-23-2007 04:00
    W. Eliot Kimber wrote:
    > In reviewing the glossary support markup I don't see any direct solution 
    > other than using 

  • 3.  Re: [dita] Using glossary terms by reference

    Posted 01-23-2007 14:54
    Hi Eliot -
    > The only other solution I could think of was to use xref to point to the
    > glossentry topic with the expectation that the rendered result of the
    > xref is the glossterm value (which I guess is what you might get by
    > default since glossterm specializes title. Hmmm.
    Yes, this would work, and would probably be the best way to pull in a term
    if you also want a link. Otherwise, I think conref is the only way to reuse
    a term with DITA 1.1.
    I know there are at least two proposals on the table for 1.2 that may
    provide an easier way to reuse the term. One is Issue 40 for keyref:
    The other is Issue 43 for semantic or implicit linking:
    Robert D Anderson
    IBM Authoring Tools Development
    Chief Architect, DITA Open Toolkit
    (507) 253-8787, T/L 553-8787
    "W. Eliot Kimber"