OASIS Web Services Interactive Applications TC

RE: [wsia] RE: [wsrp] Sessions and Transient Entities

  • 1.  RE: [wsia] RE: [wsrp] Sessions and Transient Entities

    Posted 06-18-2002 14:56
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    Subject: RE: [wsia] RE: [wsrp] Sessions and Transient Entities

    Of course the portlets need to be prepared. But the portlet would not know
    with what other portlet is should share the session. Only the consumer
    knows this.
    Best regards
    Carsten Leue
    Dr. Carsten Leue
    Dept.8288, IBM Laboratory B�blingen , Germany
    Tel.: +49-7031-16-4603, Fax: +49-7031-16-4401
    |         |           Eilon Reshef      |
    |         |           <eilon.reshef@webc|
    |         |           ollage.com>       |
    |         |                             |
    |         |           06/18/2002 06:36  |
    |         |           AM                |
    |         |           Please respond to |
    |         |           Eilon Reshef      |
    |         |                             |
      |                                                                                                                                             |
      |       To:       Carsten Leue/Germany/IBM@IBMDE                                                                                              |
      |       cc:       "'Michael Freedman'" <Michael.Freedman@oracle.com>, wsia@lists.oasis-open.org, wsrp@lists.oasis-open.org                    |
      |       Subject:  RE: [wsia] RE: [wsrp] Sessions and Transient Entities                                                                       |
      |                                                                                                                                             |
      |                                                                                                                                             |
    Can you please elaborate on this - what would be a working scenario where a
    Consumer decides to group portlets without the portlets pre-programmed to
    be shareable?